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Square Enix E3 2019 conference live report

Final Fantasy 7 Remake looks amazing! And Avongers is also a thing.

Square Enix closed off Monday with one of the best demos of the show as Final Fantasy 7 wowed eveyrone. And then they showed off The Avengers... Here's everything as it happened.

Our live coverage of this event has finished.

*yawn* I don't even know what time it is anymore.

Martin Robinson

And we're nearly out of whiskey in the office.

Martin Robinson

Absolute disaster, tbh.

Martin Robinson

Still, one more show to go today!

Martin Robinson

Kami: This whole E3 feels like a hangover.

My whole life feels like a hangover.

Martin Robinson

Well, this is a surprise. A real live show.

Martin Robinson

I'm kind of excited?

Martin Robinson

What to expect?

Martin Robinson

Well, we know The Avengers is going to be leading the charge.

Martin Robinson

And we can expect some more on Final Fantasy 7 Remake.

Martin Robinson

What else? Would love to see some older RPGs return - Chrono Trigger and Secret of Mana plz - and hey why not some mad ego trip of a project like The Quiet Man too.

Martin Robinson

What I'd like - what I'd really, really like - is a new Racing Lagoon.

Martin Robinson

Never going to happen, of course.

Martin Robinson

I think it was always going to be a flat year, what with everyone waiting for the next gen.

Martin Robinson

The last E3 like this - was it 2012? - also felt really dreary.

Martin Robinson

On the flipside, next year will be amazing!

Martin Robinson

And anyway I've got a massive backlog to get through, so I'm fine with no games for a year or two.

Martin Robinson

And away we go.

Martin Robinson

Let's video game!

Martin Robinson

Straight in with Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Just the good shit.

Martin Robinson

This is the intro.

Martin Robinson

And yes it looks amazing.

Martin Robinson

And that's just a lovely E3 moment just there - you can feel the love in that room.

Martin Robinson

Yoshinori Kitase comes on stage to talk us through more.

Martin Robinson

It still feels slightly surreal to see Final Fantasy 7 Remake being shown off.

Martin Robinson

Even more surreal that we have a release date now.

Martin Robinson

(Also as I'm an interminable hipster even though I love Final Fantasy and count 6, 12 and Tactics amongst my favourite games ever, I've never played 7).

Martin Robinson

Confirmed that Final Fantasy 7 Remake is coming on two discs, and Midgar is its own game.

Martin Robinson

'Why is this stage set up like they're about to solve a pressure pad puzzle' says Donlan.

Martin Robinson

We're seeing the action system being properly explained - it's got an action slant, but the ATB system is still in their underpinning it all.

Martin Robinson

And you can switch to tactical mode, which is more of the traditional combat we're used to.

Martin Robinson

Also Neal, mate. I know it's exciting. But calm down a bit.

Martin Robinson

You can switch characters on the fly.

Martin Robinson

I'm quite into this new action system, though as I've hardly played the original I'm not the sort to be offended by it so easily.

Martin Robinson

MiracleNachos: This system looks like a lot of fun.

Doesn't it just.

Martin Robinson

MiracleNachos: This system looks like a lot of fun.

Doesn't it just.

Martin Robinson

Nicely observed - and they're two fine games. I'm very much into this.

Martin Robinson

Against my own expectations, and as someone without the nostalgia for the original, this has become one of my most hotly anticipated games of the next 12 months.

Martin Robinson

Beautifully handled from Square Enix.

Martin Robinson

It's a low bar to pass, but this Final Fantasy 7 gameplay is the best thing I've seen all E3.

Martin Robinson

Still some questions surrounding how they'll deal with the mad tone of FF7 - but I have faith.

Martin Robinson

*All* Final Fantasy games, even the more recent ones, are tonally all over the place.

Martin Robinson

Here's Nomura!

Martin Robinson

HerrProduk: I thought you were stanning for Watchdogs Murder Granny this year Martin?

I have like 40 opinions an hour, most of them conflicting. Right now I'm all about this. Tomorrow I'll probably hate it.

Martin Robinson

So lovely to see the Nomura love in the comments here. I thought it was just me!

Martin Robinson

I like the tonal inconsistency! Maybe I should say tonal variety...

Martin Robinson

Anyway, Final Fantasy 7 Remake is playable at E3 this year. That's quite the thing.

Martin Robinson

And here's something special.

Martin Robinson

Well okay it's just a longer trailer for FF7 Remake but I'm up for that.

Martin Robinson

Our first look at Tifa. She looks good!

Martin Robinson

This really looks very, very good.

Martin Robinson

March 3rd 2020. That really isn't too far away.

Martin Robinson

Oddly, there's no menton of that being episodic.

Martin Robinson

It's just called Final Fantasy 7 Remake on the box.

Martin Robinson

Would love to know what's going on with that - whether the rest of the game will come as free updates, or it's all coming out on the one day.

Martin Robinson

Questions for later, I guess - now we're onto Life is Strange 2.

Martin Robinson

Nothing new there, really. Just confirming that Life is Strange 2 is a thing - a quite lovely thing - that people like.

Martin Robinson

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles gets a tailer next.

Martin Robinson

And now Octopath Traveler for Steam.

Martin Robinson

All these are things we knew already - but hey Square Enix are allowed to remind us given what they delivered with that FF7 demo.

Martin Robinson

Last Remnant Remastered for Switch now. That *is* new.

Martin Robinson

Not that anyone was looking forward to that so much, but still! You can play it now if you really want to.

Martin Robinson

Dragon Quest Builders 2 now.

Martin Robinson

INSOMANiAC: Lost Odyssey was better than them both

You speak the truth.

Martin Robinson

The original Dragon Quest Builders was absolutely delightful (if a little glacial in its pacing, but isn't that true of all Dragon Quest games).

Martin Robinson

This looks like a bigger, refined version of all that, so I'm in.

Martin Robinson

It's out July 12th - as we already knew - with a demo coming to PS4 on June 24th.

Martin Robinson

Release date for Dragon Quest 11 Switch now.

Martin Robinson

Not quite a release date, then - just that it's coming out this autumn.

Martin Robinson

INSOMANiAC: God the new dragons quest is so shit. It's as basic as it gets. Vastly overrated by reviewers

I thought it was okay, but also didn't get the love for it shown elsewhere - it didn't quite have the spark or reason to be that classic Dragon Quest has.

Martin Robinson

INSOMANiAC: Have I missed avengers?

They'll be closing with that, I'm sure.

Martin Robinson

This is an all-new game.

Martin Robinson

It's about Alpine?

Martin Robinson

Coming in 2020, it's a chibi racer called Circuit Superstar and I am *in*.

Martin Robinson

HerrProduk: Will we ever get another cell-shaded racing game? I loved the look of Auto Modelista

Auto Modelista was great! Well, it looked great at least.

Martin Robinson

Battalion 1944 now, which is lovely but kind of had its chips pissed on by the likes of CoD: WW2 and BF5.

Martin Robinson

It's a fun shooter, mind.

Martin Robinson

An advert for Square Enix Music now, which is - music, from Square Enix. On Spotify and whatnot. Which we knew, but now there's a nice trailer to confirm all that.

Martin Robinson

Kingdom Hearts 3... DLC I guess.

Martin Robinson

INSOMANiAC: Give us DQ9 remake on switch...

I like you. You have the right opinions on things. (This would be so good).

Martin Robinson

A little slice of FF14: Shadowbringers now, with Naoki Yoshida taking to one of the onstage pressure plates to show us more.

Martin Robinson

I doubt any of this will be new info, given the proximity of the release - it's out early next month.

Martin Robinson

Still, I'm just buzzing off that FF7 demo so I'm fine to take a minute to have a breather.

Martin Robinson

INSOMANiAC: Have you come down from the dying fox hallucinations yet Martin?

I hear foxes rutting in my garden most nights. Most of my life is a fox hallucination.

Martin Robinson

I sometimes tell myself that Square Enix hasn't done all that much in recent years, but really this is all a reminder that, for all its faults, they've done some great stuff.

Martin Robinson

FF14 is much-loved and shows how they can see through their stumbles.

Martin Robinson

INSOMANiAC: Keep on being Square Enix, one of the few non-evil big game publishers left.

Let's not go too far - they're still kind of evil. But also they've done some great stuff!

Martin Robinson

A Techland game?

Martin Robinson

Ah, I'm told that Square Enix is distributing Dyinlg Light 2 in North America.

Martin Robinson

Romancing Saga 3 is coming west y'all.

Martin Robinson

As is SaGa: Scarlet Grace.

Martin Robinson

That's nice.

Martin Robinson

A new Brave Exvius - a mobile game, I know, but a good one - is coming. It's called War of the Visions.

Martin Robinson

People Can Fly's new game - The Outsiders? - is next up.

Martin Robinson

Sorry, Outriders.

Martin Robinson

Sebastien - I'm not typing that surname this late tonight - is here to show us more.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

What a goddamn video game. I was talking about it earlier as we were killing time in the office by playing Virtua Tennis 2 on our Dreamcast.

Martin Robinson

I think Outriggers is a forgotten great.

Martin Robinson

Okay, it wasn't great.

Martin Robinson

It was interesting though.

Martin Robinson

Still can't believe AM2 made a first-person shooter, and it was pretty wild.

Martin Robinson

Anyway that was Outrider which we really didn't see too much of.

Martin Robinson

Outrigger tho!

Martin Robinson

This is Oninaki.

Martin Robinson

I'm afraid on the RPG Factory's past form I will not be getting excited for this.

Martin Robinson

And now.

Martin Robinson

Final Fantasy 8.

Martin Robinson

A remaster - coming later this year.

Martin Robinson

And now here is Avengers. At last!

Martin Robinson

This is the big one.

Martin Robinson

Well, it isn't really - FF7 was the big one. But I think people have alos been looking forward to.

Martin Robinson

Oh. They haven't got the rights to the actors of the films.

Martin Robinson

So... It all looks really weird. And sounds weird.

Martin Robinson

It's a bit Lidl.

Martin Robinson

They've taken the aesthetic of the Marvel films but couldn't go the whole way.

Martin Robinson

When you put it like that it's not so bad.

Martin Robinson

Well, the proof is in the pudding.

Martin Robinson

And the pudding, Alan, is GAMEPLAY.

Martin Robinson

These two pressure pads the presenters are on will hopefully unlock gameplay.

Martin Robinson

I kind of hope so.

Martin Robinson

Well, we're getting a look at the cast to make us feel less hostile about them lifting the movies aesthetic but stopping short and having weird faces on all the characters.

Martin Robinson

But really it'll always look like Poundland Avengers. That's a bad choice someone made there.

Martin Robinson

I'd like to see the game now please, because interviews with voice actors won't salvage this.

Martin Robinson

They didn't look that happy.

Martin Robinson

Here's some content though! It's a weird cutscene!

Martin Robinson

Oh this has gone so badly.

Martin Robinson

So, to the game - you can play online, there are custom abilities, it's all a bit Destiny.

Martin Robinson

A string of free updates, and it is games as a service. Or GAAS.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Or whatever can you just show the game rather than saying there aren't lootboxes in it what even is this.

Martin Robinson

It's coming to Xbox One, PS4, Stadia and PC.

Martin Robinson

PS4 players will get early beta access and unique benefits can we see the game please.

Martin Robinson

It's Ontmon!

Martin Robinson

No, we're not seeing anything of the game. It's out next May.

Martin Robinson

That was an absolute disaster. I loved it.

Martin Robinson

A shitshow for the E3 annals there.

Martin Robinson

Still! Final Fantasy 7 Remake looks great.

Martin Robinson

I'm honestly heartened by how bad that Avengers showing was - a good old-fashioned E3 shitshow.

Martin Robinson

A lovely way to sign off today's E3ing.

Martin Robinson

Noel Edmond's Iron Man is one to remember though.

Martin Robinson

Thank you for joining us - it's been fun, as ever. And I'm kind of excited to do it all again tomorrow.

Martin Robinson

Kami: We doing it for Nintendo tomorrow?

Hell yes.

Martin Robinson

Now get some sleep everyone!

Martin Robinson

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