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Star Wars Outlaws all Jet Kordo Vault locations

Our Jet Kordo's Legacy walkthrough.

star wars outlaws jet kordo toshara holomap
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Jet Kordo's Legacy in Star Wars Outlaws is a huge, and we mean huge, quest chain that will take you across each Outlaws planet in the Outer Rim to find his hidden vaults.

From Toshara to Tatooine, you'll need to explore every planet if you want to find Kordo's Vaults in Star Wars Outlaws. This massive treasure hunt will begin after you complete 'The Wreck' main story quest on Toshara. Also, completing this quest will give you the 'It’s mine now' secret trophy and achievement.

Buckle up, because we're here to show you all Jet Kordo Vault locations in Star Wars Outlaws.

On this page:

Star Wars Outlaws Jet Kordo's Toshara Vault location

Once you've unlocked Jet Kordo's Legacy, head to the workbench on the Trailblazer and pick up the holotracker here. This device is going to be your best friend for the rest of this quest - without it, there's no way to find or get into the vaults.

star wars outlaws kay collecting kordo's holotracker
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Isolate the Frequency

When you've got it, open your quick inventory menu (the one with the binoculars and grenades in it) then select the holotracker. This will bring up a holomap that shows you a vague location near a landmark on the planet you're on - this marker is indicating where to go to look for the vault.

star wars outlaws jet kordo toshara vault holomap clue
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Now, you need to head south-west of Typhon's rock to the area marked on the map below:

star wars outlaws jet kordo vault toshara map location
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Here, you'll find a building that matches the shape of the one shown on your holomap.

star wars outlaws jet kordo toshara vault building point of interest
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Go up to this building and on the edge of the cliff just south-east of this building is a small boulder with Jet Kordo's tag on it. Interact with this boulder to isolate the frequency for your holotracker.

star wars outlaws boulder tagged with jet kordo's symbol on toshara
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Find the Holodisc Reader

You can now follow the blips made by your holotracker to find the entrance to the vault. Now, from the boulder, look opposite you and slightly south-east, you should see a stone archway here.

star wars outlaws kay facing archway to jet kordo's toshara vault
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Go down here and through this archway, then you should find another lowered area to your right. Go down here and the holodisc reader will be directly on your left as you enter the cave.

star wars outlaws kay looking down at cave to jet kordo's toshara vault
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Enter the Vault

You'll need to look carefully as it's only small. If you're having trouble seeing it, we found it useful to switch to photo mode and turn the brightness all the way up on this to help spot it.

star wars outlaws kay at kordo's toshara vault holodisc reader
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

When you find the reader, insert the holodisc and a ladder will drop down right in front of you. Climb this ladder and you'll find Jet Kordo's vault. Head in here, loot Kordo's crate and listen to the holo-message. This reveals there are more vaults hidden across the Outer Rim.

star wars outlaws jet kordo loot crate
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

You can now go after the remaining vaults in any order you like once you've unlocked the remaining planets in Outlaws, Kijimi, Akiva and Tatooine.

Star Wars Outlaws Jet Kordo's Kijimi Vault location

Like Toshara, there is only one Jet Kordo Vault on Kijimi.

Find the Holodisc

Your first job is to find the holodisc for this vault. To do this, speak to the Mechanic that's hanging out in the alley in Kijimiko Square - we've marked their location on the map below to help:

star wars outlaws jet kordo kijimi vault holodisc trail mechanic map location
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Once you find the Mechanic you need to speak with them by interacting with them to get the clue for your next location.

star wars outlaws jet kordo kijimi vault mechanic npc
The Mechanic is on the right. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Then, head south-east to the location marked on the map below in the Thieves District. Here, you should find two NPCs leaning against the corner of a wall on the street. However, they didn't spawn for us the first time and we had to exit then re-enter our save file for them to appear.

star wars outlaws jet kordo kijimi vault holodisc trail thief duo map location
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Speak to them and they'll tell you that the holodisc is currently caught up in a game of Sabacc (as the prize of course, it's not playing.)

star wars outlaws jet kordo kijimi vault thief duo
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Go back to Kijimiko Square and find the Sabacc table inside the building marked on the map below:

star wars outlaws jet kordo kijimi vault holodisc trail sabacc game map location
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

This specific Sabacc game is two NPCs against Kay, and all you need to do is win Sabacc to get the holodisc.

star wars outlaws jet kordo kijimi vault sabacc game for holodisc
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Isolate the Frequency

Now that you've got the holodisc head over to the location we've marked on the map below in Kijimiko Square. This should bring you to an area with a tall tower-like structure in it.

star wars outlaws jet kordo kijimi vault tagged boulder map location
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

The boulder with Kordo's tag on it is opposite this structure.

star wars outlaws jet kordo kijimi vault tower landmark
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Interact with this boulder to isolate the frequency and you're one step closer to finding the vault.

star wars outlaws jet kordo kijimi vault tagged boulder
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Find the Holodisc Reader

Now it's time to follow those blips to find the holodisc reader. This will take you back to the Thieves Quarter and, to make it easier for you, head to the location we've marked on the map below. You will need to do a small bit of climbing to make it to the upper level of this area.

star wars outlaws jet kordo kijimi vault map location
It looks like it's a glitch off-map but trust us, you can climb to here. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Once you've found your way to the upper level here (a very small area) you need to use the holodisc reader next to the door at the highest point here. It's well hidden on the very edge of the building itself.

star wars outlaws jet kordo kijimi vault holodisc reader on side of building
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Enter the vault

The vault entrance is the door slightly below you and directly opposite from the holodisc reader. Head into the vault through this doorway and loot anything in here, including Kordo's crate.

star wars outlaws jet kordo kijimi vault entrance
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Star Wars Outlaws Jet Kordo's Akiva Vault locations

Jet Kordo has two vaults on Akiva, but you need to find them in order as the first one (the 'Overgrown' vault) will lead you to the second. However, before you can even think about that, you need to complete The Scavenger quest so that your Speeder can safely travel across deep bodies of water.

Once you've obtained the Hydrorepulsor upgrade you can start looking for the first vault.

Akiva Vault One - Overgrown Vault

Find the Holodisc

Your first task for this vault is to find the holodisc. To start looking for this, head to the Market District in Myrra and speak to the vender in the center of it. They're usually standing on the southern edge of the Pyke Territory here.

star wars outlaws jet kordo akiva vault one holodisc merchant map location
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

This one is really easy, all you need to do is buy the holodisc from them for 100 Credits.

star wars outlaws jet kordo akiva vault one holodisc merchant
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Isolate the Frequency

The holomap is really helpful this time as there's one structure on Akiva that matches the stack of circles shown on it - the Delma Water Tower in the Karaba Foothills. Head to its location shown on the map below, however there's a specific way of reaching it.

star wars outlaws jet kordo akiva vault one tagged boulder map location
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

We found the easiest way to reach the Delma Water Tower is to look for the fallen tree at the north-east corner of Salea's Hand:

star wars outlaws jet kordo akiva vault one fallen tree map location
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

When you've walked across this tree you can start looking for the tagged boulder.

star wars outlaws jet kordo akiva vault one fallen tree salea's hand
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

The boulder is half-hidden against a vine-covered ruined wall to the east of the Tower, if you look for the stack of circles against the wall you can find it at the base of them. Isolate the frequency by interacting with the boulder as usual.

star wars outlaws jet kordo akiva vault one tagged boulder location
It's almost completely buried in the ground by the wall. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Find the Holodisc Reader

Head back towards Salea's Hand and you'll find the Holodisc Reader on a ruined column that's almost at the center of this location.

star wars outlaws jet kordo akiva vault one holodisc reader and vault map location
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Like the boulder, it's very well hidden amongst the ruins so remember to use the blips on the holotracker to pinpoint its location faster.

star wars outlaws jet kordo akiva vault one holodisc reader location
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Interact with the Holodisc Reader to reveal the entrance to the vault.

Enter Vault

While you're facing the Holodisc Reader move forwards and you should see a hole in the ground that you can climb down (do not jump, this will hurt.)

star wars outlaws jet kordo akiva vault one entrance
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Head down here and you'll be in the first Akiva vault. Loot away and remember to open Kordo's crate to register this vault as complete.

This is also when you'll learn that there is a second Vault elsewhere on Akiva that you can start looking for.

Akiva Vault Two - Forgotten Vault

Find the Holodisc

You can now start looking for the holodisc for the second vault, to find this holodisc you need to head to the Hutt Territory east of Satrap's Promenade in Myrra.

star wars outlaws jet kordo akiva vault two holodisc intel map location
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Look for two Hutt members talking here are the marked we've placed on the map above. You can listen to their conversation by leaning against the wall to the left of them.

star wars outlaws jet kordo akiva vault two npcs talking in myrra
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Once you've done this, you need to head to the Hutt Territory in on the west side of the map by the lake south east of The Cauldron.

star wars outlaws jet kordo akiva vault two holodisc thief map location
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

At the location you're looking for a green Rodian. If you're tracking this intel chain in your journal, a small icon will appear above their head to help you identify them.

star wars outlaws jet kordo akiva vault two target rodian
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

When you've found them, use Nix to pickpocket the holodisc from them and get out of there as fast as you can.

Isolate the Frequency

To find the boulder to isolate the frequency for the second Akiva Vault you need to head to a small island west of Witch's Finger. The island itself has a single tree on it and, on it's west side, has a small shore with a few large rocks on it.

star wars outlaws jet kordo akiva vault two tagged boulder map location
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

The tagged boulder is the smallest one on this small piece of shore.

star wars outlaws jet kordo akiva vault two tagged boulder
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Find the Holodisc Reader

Next, hop on your speeder and head north across the lake from the tagged boulder. You need to head for the mass of land that's sticking out into the lake.

Once you're near here, head to the east side of this area and you'll find a ramp heading west.

star wars outlaws jet kordo akiva vault two map location
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

When you find this ramp, use your Speeder and speed boost to ride up it then jump across the gap here.

star wars outlaws jet kordo akiva vault two ramp to entrance via speeder
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

When you land, the door to the vault will be clearly visible. The holodisc scanner is on the left side of the door.

star wars outlaws jet kordo akiva vault two door
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Enter the Vault

Head through the door and into the vault. Locate Kordo's crate at the far side of this area near some control panels, attempt to open the crate and then duck!

A gun turret in the ceiling will activate and start to shoot at you - perfect. To deactive it, stay crouched behind Kordo's crate and use Nix's senses to highlight a switch on the left side of a column to your left. Command Nix to use the switch to 'Power Off' the turret.

star wars outlaws jet kordo akiva vault two kay command nix to power off turret
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Once the turret is off, you can open Kordo's crate to register this vault as complete.

That's all for Akiva, on to the next world!

Star Wars Outlaws Jet Kordo's Tatooine Vault locations

There are two Jet Kordo Vaults on Tatooine and, just like Akiva, you need to find them in order as the first vault will lead you to the second one.

Before you embark on finding these vaults, we recommend having a 'good' or higher Reputation with the Hutt Cartel. It makes travelling through, and sneaking around, their territories much easier.

Also, you must complete the first main story mission on Tatooine 'The Heavy' to proceed with finding both vaults.

Tatooine Vault One - Buried Vault

Find the Holodisc

After completing 'The Heavy' main story mission on Tatooine, head back to Wayfar and find two engineers having a conversation. Wayfar isn't a big settlement so it shouldn't take too long to track them down.

star wars outlaws jet kordo tatooine vault one engineering duo in wayfar
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Talk to the engineers and you'll be given two choices to get the information you need:

  • Use Hutt Contact - This is only available if you've got a 'Good' or higher Reputation with the Hutts.
  • Pay Up - Pay 50 Credits for the information.

We used the 'Hutt Contact' option and we got the information we needed with a little persuasion, it also ended up being free so we recommend using this method if you can.

Now, you need to head north-east of Ubrikkian Trade Tower in Central Mos Eisley (which is north of Wayfar). Once here, find Chalmun's Cantina to the east of the Tower. Then, look for the two NPCs having a conversation just south-west of the Cantina.

star wars outlaws jet kordo tatooine vault one mos eisley duo map location
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Talk to the one in the green robe and they'll give you your next clue.

star wars outlaws jet kordo tatooine vault one mos eisley duo
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Now, grab that Speeder and head to the north-west corner of the map - yes this is by the Dune Sea and yes, there is a Krayt Dragon there but you can easily avoid them as long as you stay on the Speeder.

star wars outlaws jet kordo tatooine vault one western dune sea map location
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

When you get to the marked location in the Western Dune Sea, you need to look for the Crashed Speeder site by a tall rock stack just south-west of Pillar Forest. We've marked this exact location on the map for you:

star wars outlaws jet kordo tatooine vault one speeder crash site map location
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Walk up to the Speeder and interact with it to look for the holodisc, which isn't actually there anymore.

star wars outlaws jet kordo tatooine vault one crashed speeder
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Then you need to follow the faint trail in the sand north-west from the Speeder to a small cave entrance. However, there will be some Massiff on the way so you need to defeat them with your Blaster or you'll become their chew toy.

star wars outlaws jet kordo tatooine vault one massiff cave entrance
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Once the Massiff are dealt with, head inside the cave and find the Speeder pack at the middle of it. Interact with this to get the holodisc.

star wars outlaws jet kordo tatooine vault one holodisc location
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Isolate the Frequency

Luckily, you really don't have to travel far for the next few steps but again you'll need your Speeder to make sure you don't become a Krayt Dragon appetiser.

Head south-west from the Speeder crash site into the Western Dune Sea to the point marked on the map below. Get as close as you can to the boulder with your Speeder and hop off to quickly interact with it to Isolate the Frequency.

star wars outlaws jet kordo tatooine vault one tagged boulder map location
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Don't stress out too much here, the Krayt Dragon will be threatening to appear in the background but won't come this close to the rocks as you're technically on the edge of the sea.

star wars outlaws jet kordo tatooine vault one tagged rock
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Find the Holodisc Reader

Again, jump on your Speeder and go slightly south-west from the tagged boulder to the point we've marked on the map below. This time, the Krayt Dragon will take an interest in you but when you see the sand moving and a red warning sign appear, just dodge to the side (it doesn't matter which) to get out of its way.

star wars outlaws jet kordo tatooine vault one map location
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

When you get close to the location you'll see a herd of Bantha's just chilling like there isn't a massive monster trying to eat your Speeder. It will seem like we've directed you to a random dune in the sand, but hop to the side of the dune that allows you to face the Bantha herd and you should find a half-buried structure here.

star wars outlaws jet kordo tatooine vault one valut location by bantha herd
star wars outlaws jet kordo tatooine vault one buried vault location
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Now that you're here, you don't need to worry about the Krayt Dragon again (it's really picky). Insert the holodisc into the reader.

star wars outlaws jet kordo tatooine vault one holodisc reader on side of vault
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Enter the Vault

The holodisc reader will have revealed a device on the side of the structure. Use the Ion module on your Blaster to power this device and then slip inside the vault via the vent to the left of it.

star wars outlaws jet kordo tatooine vault one entrance revealed
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Remember, once you're inside the vault loot anything you can find and remember to open the Jet Kordo crate to register this one as complete. This will also reveal that there's a second vault on Tatooine.

Tatooine Vault Two - Perched Vault

Find the Holodisc

Thankfully, the second vault on Tatooine is a lot easier to find. Your first step is to head to Bestine on the west side of Desert Valley - but this is in Imperial Territory so be on your best behaviour and lower your Wanted Level first if you have one.

star wars outlaws jet kordo tatooine vault two bestine map location
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Head to the landing pad in Bestine and head to the Speeder Mechanic here. Beside the Mechanic (just slightly to the north on your map) will be two NPCs having another very loud conversation.

star wars outlaws jet kordo tatooine vault two holodisc intel map location
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Speak to them and they'll reveal your next clue which isn't too far away.

star wars outlaws jet kordo tatooine vault two duo at bestine landing pad
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

You now need to head south to Garrick Ranch where Pirates have set up camp and, yes, they have your holodisc too. When you get close to this area it's likely a Pirate Raid event will trigger at the same time - if it does, then you need to take out the Stormtroopers here before you can proceed.

star wars outlaws jet kordo tatooine vault two garrick ranch map location
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Once the Troopers are defeated (remember to loot the Imperial Stashes while you're there), locate the building that has two doors on it. Face this building, then head to the door on the left and look to the left of this - you should find a Data Port.

star wars outlaws jet kordo tatooine vault two holodisc location data port point
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Walk up to this and hack the computer here to open the door. Once the door is open, head inside and grab the holodisc.

Isolate the Frequency

The nest task is to go to a small camp beside a stone arch in South Jutland Wastes, this is also where the trader Tretet Zadiket lives. We've marked the location on the map below:

star wars outlaws jet kordo tatooine vault two tagged boulder location
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

The tagged boulder is just outside Tretet's tent.

star wars outlaws jet kordo tatooine vault two tagged boulder
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Find the Holodisc Reader

From the tent at the campsite head noth east and you'll find a passage through the rocks. There will be scrap to the side and some rope on the floor - these are the clues you need to follow to find the correct path to the vault.

star wars outlaws jet kordo tatooine vault path part one
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Follow the path forwards then look left, there should be a set of climbable walls here. Scale them.

star wars outlaws jet kordo tatooine vault path part two
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Then, follow the path forwards and jump across the gap to the next ledge.

star wars outlaws jet kordo tatooine vault path part three
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Continue to follow the path and keep to the right when it splits in two and continue to follow the path then jump across to the next ledge.

star wars outlaws jet kordo tatooine vault path part four
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Here, start to climb the wall to the right but do not drop down. Continue to follow the climbing path up and it will bring you to the vault door.

star wars outlaws jet kordo tatooine climbing path to vault two
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

The holodisc reader is on the left side of the vault door.

star wars outlaws jet kordo tatooine vault two door
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Enter the Vault

When the door is open, head into the vault. Don't worry, unlike Akiva, there's no nasty surprise waiting for you in here. Remember to loot Jet Kordo's crate to register this one as complete.

Star Wars Outlaws Jet Kordo's final Vault location

When you've looted your last vault, Kay and ND-5 will find out that there's a hidden surprise within the very first vault you visited on Toshara. That's right, it's time to go back to where it all began!

Once you've scaled the ladder into the Toshara vault look to your right, it just seems like a piece of wall but if you look closely it's a secret door. There's a holodisc reader just beside the door, insert the final holodisc to open the secret entrance.

star wars outlaws secret jet kordo vault entrance on toshara
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Once you're inside, loot away and open Jet Kordo's final crate. We recommend listening to the holo-message in here as well.

All rewards for Jet Kordo's Legacy in Star Wars Outlaws

Each of Jet Kordo's Vaults in Star Wars Outlaws will reward you with numerous useful crafting materials, collectibles and a few special gear items when you finally find a way into them.

Here are the main rewards for each of Jet Kordo's Vaults in Star Wars Outlaws:

  • Toshara Vault - Scoundrel Belt and Jet Kordo's Legacy Part Two.
  • Kijimi Vault - Direct Transaction (Sabacc Token) and Jet Kordo's Legacy Part Six.
  • Akiva Vault One - Blaster Reticulator (Blaster Material) and Jet Kordo's Legacy Part Four.
  • Akiva Vault Two - Scoundrel Pants and Jet Kordo's Legacy Part Three.
  • Tatooine Vault One - X-FP-C28 Ship Computer (Ship Material), Scoundrel Jacket and Jet Kordo's Legacy Part Five.
  • Tatooine Vault Two - Sandcrawler Paint Job (Speeder) and Jet Kordo's Legacy Part Seven.
  • Final Toshara Visit - Cocktail Umbrella (Major Charm) and Jet Kordo's Legacy Part Eight.
star wars outlaws kay in the scoundrel gear set

By collecting the loot in each vault, not only will you complete Jet Kordo's Legacy, but you'll also have the Scoundrel Gear Set for the secret 'It's Mine Now' trophy/achievement.

Well done for finding them all, that was a lot! If you're in the mood for more Star Wars Outlaws content, check out our pages showing you the best charms for Kay and where to find the Smuggler's Hideout on Toshara.

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