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Star Wars Outlaws False Flag walkthrough

How to reach the data vault and escort Bosnok off the station.

Two Stormtroopers and an Imperial officer looking at the Trailblazer ship in Star Wars Outlaws.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

False Flag is a main story mission in Star Wars Outlaws that takes you to an Imperial fuel station to erase the Crimson Dawn's debts on Mirogana.

This is a lengthy mission that involves space combat, stealth, and the decision to frame The Pykes or Crimson Dawn at the end, so to help you out, we've got a full False Flag walkthrough for Star Wars Outlaws below.

Before we get started, a good general tip to keep in mind while sneaking around the Imperial base is that if you ever get caught, just load your most recent auto-save. It won't set you too far back, and the alert status and positions of all enemies will be reset, letting you easily slip back into stealth mode.

On this page:

Step 1 - Infiltrate the Imperial fuel station

The first thing you have to during the False Flag quest is to bring the fuel injectors to Waka, in the space port of Jaunta's Hope on Toshara. You need to repair the 'Propulsion' part of your Trailblazer ship with the fuel injectors to get it ready for your jaunt to space.

With the propulsion repaired, you can now sit down on the captain's seat at the front of the Trailblazer and take off to travel to Toshara Space and start your next objective - recover the cargo of sansanna.

To do this, follow the instructions in the middle of the screen for a short tutorial on how to control the Trailblazer while following the gold marker to the sansanna.

You'll also get a short ship combat tutorial as you try and defeat the raiders. You can dodge their attacks, as well as zoom in to activate pursuit mode, to make your shots more accurate. Remember to lock on and then press the same button again to fire a missile, but just keep in mind that missiles are on a cooldown.

Ship control instructions for the Trailbalzer in Star Wars Outlaws.
Missile firing instructions for the Trailblazer in Star Wars Outlaws.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

With the raiders dealt with, you can fly over to the gold marker to recover the cargo of sansanna.

After that, it's time to reach the Imperial fuel station. Just follow the gold quest marker and wait for the conversation between Waka and the TIE Fighter pilots play out, then follow the TIE escort onto the Imperial fuel station.

Step 2 - Find the data vault

First, check in with Waka at the back of the ship. Then open the door to the right of the ladder behind you and drop down to leave the ship, and start your journey to find the data vault on the Imperial fuel station.

Kay in front of a door on her ship in Star Wars Outlaws.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

To get through this first hangar without raising the alarm, you need to crouch and silently take out the three Imperial enemies to the right, and the single Imperial enemy directly in front of you. You need to at least take out the two Imperial officers in uniform, or you'll be spotted crossing the room.

Kay crouching and looking at an Imperial enemy in Star Wars Outlaws.
Kay crouching behind an Imperial officer in Star Wars Outlaws.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Next, follow the direction of the gold quest marker and activate the trolley, then stand and walk on its right-hand side as it glides to the other side of the room. Don't stand too close to it, or you'll be pushed back. As you reach the end of the room, just past the Stormtrooper, walk more in front of the trolley to break their line of view, or you risk alerting them.

Kay crouched behind a trolley in Star Wars Outlaws.
Kay crouched behind a moving trolley in Star Wars Outlaws.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Find a terminal with info on the data vault

Inside the next room, you'll come across a red barrier. You can't deactivate it, so go through the vent on the right-hand side instead.

An arrow pointing to a vent beside a red barrier in Star Wars Outlaws.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

This vent takes you to another small room, where you have to stand on the lift marked with yellow to progress. Make sure you open the container at the back of the room first if you're interested in rarer loot. The 'Storage Protocol' datapad is in the same location, to the right of the container.

Kay looking at a lift marked with yellow outlines in Star Wars Outlaws.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Wait behind the boxes when you go through the door at the end of the next room, as there is a patrol of Imperial officers on their way. Once they've marched down the corridor, use Nix to distract the Stormtrooper, or wait for them to walk away. We got them to walk away by commanding Nix to sabotage the alarm on the right-hand wall.

Kay commanding Nox to sabotage an alarm panel in Star Wars Outlaws.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Now you can peacefully sneak into the room on the left and stealthily take out the Imperial officer in the middle of the room, then the officer to the left. Once you've dealt with them, access the computer by the window to open the door on the left and complete the 'Find a terminal with info on the data vault' objective.

Reach the data vault

Go up the ladder and slice the door at the end of the next walkway, but be careful! Make sure you're crouched when you enter, as there are two Stormtroopers near the door. To deal with them, wait until one trooper is walking away from your direction, then silently take down the trooper on the left by sticking to the left as you approach them. Hide behind the next stack of boxes once they're downed, wait for the other trooper to notice the body of the other, then silently take them down on their way back when the prompt appears.

Kay crouching in front of a Stormtrooper in Star Wars Outlaws.
Kay hiding behind boxes as a Stormtrooper approaches in Star Wars Outlaws.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Wait until the camera is away from the door on the left, then go through the door, and down the ladder. There's a container with rare loot right next to the bottom of the ladder, and the room contains some other loot you might want to pick up before exiting through the vent.

Kay crouched and looking at a vent in Star Wars Outlaws.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

At the end of the vent, drop down between the large moving objects and walk as they move forward, then override the lock on your right when you see it, beside the small red barrier.

Kay crouched and looking at a lock override in a red-tinted room in Star Wars Outlaws.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Next, go through the now open barrier and up the ladder. There's some loot on the walkway it takes you to that you might want to pick up. After picking up the loot, look down between the gap at the end of the walkway and wait for the group of enemies to walk away from you. Then, jump down and slice through the first door on the left. You'll want to do it as quick as you can, before the enemies return.

An arrow pointing to a door to the left of a group of Imperial enemies in Star Wars Outlaws.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Sneak up on the two enemies in the next room to take them down, then go up the ladder at the end. There's a container beside the ladder that has some rare loot that you should open before climbing it.

To get past the red barrier at the top of the ladder, command Nix to power off the switch in the room behind it, on the right-hand side. Next, silently take down the officer by the computer, then hack the computer to disable the security cameras and maintenance energy barrier.

Kay commanding Nix to power off a barrier in Star Wars Outlaws.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Now you can go through the door to the right of the computer to reach another walkway. There's a computer you can access at the end of the walkway to see the 'Regarding the Intrepid' datapad, but reading it is not required to progress.

Your next step is to wait until the group of enemies below are walking away from Kay before dropping down the left-hand side.

Kay looking down at Stormtroopers passing under a walkway in Star Wars Outlaws.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Once you're down, go through the next two doors and keep walking until Kay says "Can I get over there?" when looking at the TIE Fighters. Don't go down the lift. Instead, command Nix to activate the switch on the other side. This moves the TIE Fighter out of the way so Kay can grapple across to the next platform. Make sure you grapple when the floating droid on the right is looking away from you.

Kay commanding Nix to activate a switch under a TIE Fighter in Star Wars Outlaws.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Crouch and make your way to the other side of the platform after grappling over. You'll need to keep out of the droid's view while doing this. At the end of the platform, wait for the droid to float away from Kay (until they're about halfway up the platform) before you do a running jump over to the next platform, then grapple and swing over to the yellow grating.

Kay running to a grapple point in Star Wars Outlaws.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Climb across the ledges on the right, then drop down to the next platform. You can then use Nix to distract the Stormtrooper across the way on the next platform before you grapple over and immediately punch the Stormtrooper to take him down before they are alerted.

Kay crouched behind boxes, commanding Nix to distract a Stormtrooper in Star Wars Outlaws.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

All you need to do now is slice the door at the end to finally gain entry to the data vault.

Step 3 - Frame The Pykes or Crimson Dawn

Inside the data vault, open the container to get some rare loot, then access the computer beside it to sabotage the debt records. A brief conversation with Bosnok after accessing the computer will then lead to the decision to frame Crimson Dawn or frame the Pykes.

Kay choosing between framing the Pykes or Crimson Dawn while speaking with Bosnok in Star Wars Outlaws.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

If you select the option to frame Crimson Dawn, you'll get a big boost to your Pyke Reputation, but lose a lot of Reputation with Crimson Dawn. If you decide to frame the Pykes instead, you 'll get a big boost to your Crimson Dawn Reputation, but a huge drop in Pyke Reputation.

So, who you frame should depend on who you want to build Reputation with at this point in the game.

Step 4 - Escort Bosnok off the station

Regardless of who you decide to frame, your next step is to call up the cargo elevator to start your journey off the Imperial fuel station with Bosnok. To do this, follow the gold quest marker to access the other computer in the room. Then, go out the door you came in and use the ladder to descend to the ground floor.

Wait until the camera's view is to the right, and the group of Imperial enemies on the left are walking away from you, to approach and activate Bosnok's Sled.

Kay crouched behind boxes and looking at a group of enemies walking away in Star Wars Outlaws.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Follow the sled until it stops at the red barrier, then go into the room on the right-hand side of it to access the computer to lower the barrier and let Bosnok through. Now go through the door on the right and crouch beside Bosnak's Sled to prompt him to move again. Stick to the left-hand side of the sled to avoid the Stromtroopers' line of sight, and don't sabotage the alarm when you pass it, as this can actually alert enemies in the area.

Kay crouched behind Bosnok's Sled avoiding Stormtroopers in Star Wars Outlaws.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Follow the sled to the end of this room, then go through the door on the right and silently take down the Imperial officer beside the computer. Then access the computer to send Bosnok a floor down. Now you can turn around and exit the room through the back door, and grapple down to the same floor as Bosnok. The 'Regarding the Accountant' datapad is to the left of this door.

Go through the vent after grappling down to find Bosnok. He's surrounded by two Stormtroopers and an Imperial officer, who are questioning him. There is a red barrier at the other side, but you can't use it yet, so the only option left is to open fire on the enemies to free Bosnok.

Don't worry, this won't raise the alarm on the station, as long as you don't let an enemy touch the alarm at the back. You'll know they are running to do this when an alarm symbol appears above their head.

Kay shooting at a Stormtrooper with an alarm symbol above his head in Star Wars Outlaws.
If an enemy has this symbol above their head, shoot them first. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Once you've dealt with the waves of enemies, Bosnok will float into the next room and expose the power node you need to hit with the Ion mode of your blaster to disable the energy barrier. You can now go through the vent on the right.

Kay aiming her blaster at a yellow power node in Star Wars Outlaws.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

After exiting the vent, access the computer to move Bosnok along. Your next goal is to override the cargo authorisation. Your first step on the way to doing this is to climb the ladder on the right and go through the next door. Hide behind the boxes on the right here, as there's a patrol of Stormtroopers coming your way. Stay behind these boxes until the Stormtroopers pass you.

Once they're gone, go to the left-hand side of the room and silently take down the only Stormtrooper left in the room. Go through the door they were guarding, then silently take down the three enemies in the next room, making your way from right to left. A container with good loot and the 'Regarding Corruption' datapad are located beside the Stormtrooper enemy.

Kay crouched and looking at two Imperial enemies in a room in Star Wars Outlaws.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Access and hack the computer in this room to activate the evacuation protocol and approve the cargo shipment.

Step 5 - Hold out against the Empire

After doing this, it's finally time to head back to the Trailblazer. To start this short journey, go through the door the Stormtrooper was stationed at, then down the ladder. There's some loot in this room that you might want to pick up. Once you're done looting, go out the door and use your data spike to open the hangar doors.

It's thankfully time to ditch the stealth. First, deal with the enemies directly in front of you, then pick up a weapon sitting on the crates in the middle of the room, to the left of the Trailblazer, and shoot every enemy you see.

Just make sure to keep an eye on the upper levels of the hangar, as some enemies try to snipe you from here.

Kay aiming at a red barrel beside an enemy high above in Star Wars Outlaws.
Shooting red barrels is a quick and easy way to take out snipers. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

You only need to hold out against the Empire until Bosnok's Sled starts moving onto the Trailblazer. When this happens, follow Bosnok onto the ship to escape the station!

Step 6 - Return to Mirogana

The end of False Flag is mercifully easier than the rest of the quest, as all you have to do now is follow the gold quest marker to reach the debrid field, defeat the pursuers in some space combat, clear your wanted status at the Imperial comms, then return to Mirogana.

Ship view of using an Imperial relay to clear the Wanted status in Star Wars Outlaws.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Depending on who you framed, you just have to speak with the Pykes or Crimson Dawn to complete False Flag.

Good luck with the rest of your journey in Star Wars Outlaws!

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