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StarCraft II fans politely demand LAN play

Submit world's most obsequious petition.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Following yesterday's news that StarCraft II would not support LAN play, requiring all multiplayer to be played through an internet connection and, fans have set up a petition asking Blizzard to reconsider.

But they're using the technique of flattery, quite unusual in fan petitions, to get their point across.

"We understand you will be adding amazing new features to that you can't talk about yet," "the new sounds absolutely awesome," "if what you say is true about 2.0, then everyone will want to own a copy of StarCraft II and try out the new," they say, undermining their own argument a little.

But "we would still like to be able to play in a traditional network where no internet connection is needed. For an internet connection might not always be available," they add, using their best reasonable voice. "Please include LAN functionality in your future classic!"

The petition has just over 10,000 signatures at time of writing. Head to the StarCraft II gamepage for brand-new hands on impressions, video and more.

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