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Submit your questions for Hideo Kojima's Eurogamer Expo session

BUMP! Get your questions in before Monday.

UPDATE: Thanks to everyone who's submitted a question so far! We'll be accepting them until Monday morning, so if you haven't already then make sure to get yours in below.

ORIGINAL STORY: There are now just over two weeks to go until Hideo Kojima is on stage at this year's Eurogamer Expo. The man who Big Boss probably calls the big boss will be live at 2pm on Thursday 27th September at this year's event.

I absolutely cannot tell you what he plans to show you or I will be zapped unconscious and bundled into a nearby storage locker, but I have been authorised to note that the creator of the forthcoming Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes is planning a surprise.


It also seems fair to note that he is the creator of the forthcoming Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes, because one would have to imagine that this information would be supremely relev-aaahfhghghzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.





Huh? Muh?


Huh? Oh. Hello. So anyway, I also need to get you to submit questions for Mr Kojima, who will be answering a number of your hottest queries live on stage during his Eurogamer Expo developer session.

So, if you have a question you would like Hideo Kojima to answer, please submit it using the form below. We will then select a few of the best and use them to grill the man himself live on Thursday 27th at the Eurogamer Expo.

It should be amazing.

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