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Super Mario Bros. on UK VC

Two titles in Friday update.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Like the belt buckles of a Hawaiian marathon-runner who's been denied water for a week, Europe's Virtual Console line-up found a couple of notches it couldn't previously reach overnight.

Clearly visible at the summit of the New Additions page are NES classic Super Mario Bros., which will set you back 500 Wii points, alongside the TurboGrafx-16's Motoroader (which I must confess I've never played) at 600 points.

What's that in real currency? Well, Wii points vary in price depending on how many you buy, but cards sold in the shops give you 2000 for GBP 14.99, with smaller and larger increments sold for vaguely fitting totals directly through the Wii Shop.

As for the games, NES titles uniformly go for 500 points, TurboGrafx seems to vary between 600 and 800, while Super Nintendo and Megadrive reach 800 and Nintendo 64 titles - of which there's only one around here so far, Super Mario 64 - go for 1000.

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