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Team Fortress 2 to get experimental virtual reality mode for Oculus Rift this week


It appears Valve's first-person shooter Team Fortress 2 is in line for a new "experimental virtual reality mode" which will enable support for the snazzy Oculus Rift virtual reality headset.

According to Road to VR, Oculus Rift users will also get a unique in-game hat. Hopefully it looks like a VR headset.

Apparently an online update, due out this week, will add the new mode. Steam codes will be sent out for the hat.

Here's what Joe Ludwig, a programmer at Valve on the TF2 team, had to say:

"When we first played an early version of Virtual Reality mode in Team Fortress we were blown away by the immersion we experienced. VR is just getting started, but it is going to have a big impact on gaming. This update will let us share that experience with more of the Team Fortress community."

As reported earlier today, Doom 3 BFG Edition will not support the Oculus Rift at launch, as had been planned. Developer kits are due out at the end of March.

News of TF2 support comes as no surprise. Valve has made no secret of its interest in VR, and the Half-Like maker is due to deliver a talk at GDC next week on, you guessed it, porting TF2 for use with VR goggles.

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