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Team Fortress 360 starts rumbling

Must be hungry. Or patched.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Valve has patched The Orange Box on Xbox 360 to fix and tweak a few bits and bobs in Team Fortress 2.

Probably the most noticeable change is that weapons now have rumble support, but it also fixes a number of exploits, and allows for ten- and fourteen-player games.

This is the full list of changes as posted on

  • Fixed a medic invulnerability exploit.
  • Fixed grenades going through players or buildings.
  • Fixed exploit with rockets causing damage through thin walls.
  • Fixed exploit allowing snipers to fire faster than intended.
  • Fixed exploit allowing players to teleport with the intelligence.
  • Fixed exploit attaching sappers to buildings through walls.
  • Fixed spy backstab exploit.
  • Fixed spy being able to attack without dropping his disguise.
  • Medics no longer heal enemy spies when they're not disguised.
  • Tweaked autobalance calculations.
  • When an engineer dies in sudden death, his buildings explode.
  • Fixed stats sometimes not reporting correctly.
  • Added a dialog to indicate when the host shuts down the server.
  • Added rumble to TF weapons.
  • Fixed ping column sometimes getting hidden in some resolutions.
  • Added 10 and 14 player game sizes.
  • Prevent hosts selecting game sizes above their bandwidth limits.
  • Improved handling of large network packets to eliminate bandwidth spikes.
  • Reduced respawn times for smaller games.

Next time you load the game, you should be prompted to install the update.

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