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Tearaway to get a demo on Friday

Launches community site and new trailer.

22nd November is going to be a crazy day for gaming with the Xbox One launching and a new Zelda emerging for 3DS, but Sony's got an ace up its sleeve for the Vita with LittleBigPlanet developer Media Molecule releasing its adorable papercraft platforming adventure Tearaway - and it's now been revealed that it's getting a demo too for those still on the fence.

This is a community photo. It was taken by someone named Dannpe who applied the game's Instagram-esque Vintage Filter to it.

As detailed on the EU PlayStation Blog, the free trial will allow players to buy the full game straight from the demo, so they won't have to bother with going to a store and replaying the early bits.

Additionally, Tearaway's community site,, has launched where you can sign in with your PSN ID to get two free in-game papercraft models (the Wendigo Mask and Messenger Headband) and check out photos from the community (in this case Australian and New Zealand gamers, as the game was released there today).

Our Dan Whitehead was pleased as punch with Tearaway. "It's not a long game, but for every section of simple platforming there's a moment of pure creative delight that leaves most other games looking stuffy and sterile, locked away behind their joypads and glass, away from your prodding, inquisitive fingers," he wrote in his Tearaway review.

Prospective Vita owners would do well to remember that Tearaway's been bundled with the Vita along with a 16GB memory card and LittleBigPlanet Vita. Prices for the collection range, but it's been spotted for £140 - £160. Now check out Tearaway's slick new launch trailer below.

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