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Tetris Splash DLC

Fish and themes.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Not content with charging 800 points (GBP 6.80 / EUR 9.30) for Tetris Splash, Microsoft has thrown up some premium downloadable content. Perhaps they're redecorating the yacht.

In all there are 14 packs to help shake up the game's aquatic looks, allowing you to add your favourite fish in various bundles at 50 points each or download from a selection of entirely new watery themes for 150 points.

In terms of fish bundles, there are Marine Angelfish, Guppy, Triggerfish, Tang, Tetra, Discus, Arowana, Butterflyfish and Angelfish bundles. Each runs to 50 Microsoft points, which is about 43p or 58 Eurocents.

And for theme packs you've got several, all with a "Fresh/Salt Water" prefix: Coral, Scuba, Pirate and Atlantis. 150 points is, obviously, GBP 1.28 or EUR 1.74. More details on each pack over at Major Nelson.

Or you can read more about Tetris Splash in its launch announcement. Expect a review in due course.

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