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The Eurogamer Podcast #28: The return of the P-cast!

"How was that?"

Right. Yes. Donlan went off on his sabbatical and we said, quite confidently, that this shouldn't get in the way of recording our weekly podcast. He could pop into the office whenever he was free, maybe on a Friday or something, and we'd keep the ball rolling. That was almost two months ago. We've really done a bad job at this.

But we're back now and that's the important thing. And hey, this means we potentially have two months' worth of games to discuss. I mean, we don't, obviously. Instead, Christian and I talk about Clash Royale some more and the impact it's already had on the games that followed it. And I get a bit weird about a gravestone I've found, belonging to a dog(?) called Snow.

It's episode 28 of the Eurogamer Podcast.

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