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The Game Awards 2014 live report

UPDATE: No Man's Sky! The Legend of Zelda! King's Quest! And that's a wrap!

UPDATE: And that's a wrap! Thanks for watching along with us. Check Eurogamer tomorrow at 6pm UK time for a live report of Sony's much-anticipated keynote at the PlayStation Experience event. Planning anything exciting for Friday night/Saturday morning? Why not settle in with Eurogamer to gawp at the dazzle, swagger and vacuous spectacle of The Game Awards 2014. There'll be mugging from Mr. Geoff Keighley, for sure, hopefully offset by some new game announcements. Join the team here from just before 2am as we try to stay awake throughout the entire bash.

Our live coverage of this event has finished.

MatMan562: The big question, of course, is will Geoff Keighley be tucked or untucked? I'm going to guess tucked!

I'm actually voting for topless while he oscillates between frenzied sobbing and a mad howl.

Martin Robinson

We're less than an hour away! Get your favourite snack and energy drink of choice at the ready...

Tom Phillips

MCRMJ: I know they're showing off Metal Gear Online, but is Kojima actually going to be there?

Apparently so - and he's bringing Jack Bauer.

Tom Phillips

Hello lovely Eurogamer community! Wesley here. I'll be your host as we watch The Game Awards 2014 together. No matter how long it drags on for, now matter how cringe it gets, and no matter how many awards Naughty Dog wins, I'll be here, offering top quality banter, commentary and sarcasm straight from the Friends school of humour.

Wesley Yin-Poole

In other words, I apologise in advance.

Wesley Yin-Poole

Tom Phillips

Infinitely better than last year's crowd-less "VGX loft". And who's that in the front row?

Tom Phillips

Tom Phillips

Kojima - tucked, with a cheeky untucked waistcoat combo.

Tom Phillips

I'm only here for Marty O'Donnell, who has composed the music for the show.

Wesley Yin-Poole

That was a joke. A hilarious joke. I'm also here for the new The Order gameplay.

Wesley Yin-Poole

Sorry, still joking there. You got me.

Wesley Yin-Poole

You all saw the Street Fighter 5 announcement, right?

Wesley Yin-Poole

TeaFiend: Wait, from 2am? I went to the pub expecting boring news from Boring Geoff when I got back. This is terrible. Good night!

Stay strong and watch along with us!

Wesley Yin-Poole

What game announcements do we expect, then?

Wesley Yin-Poole

MCRMJ: Barbie Horse Adventures HD

Get hype.

Wesley Yin-Poole

zzkj: They really do need to have an award for most disgraceful use of microtransactions.

That would go to the Frozen mobile game by Disney. My wife plays that all the time. Disgraceful microtransactions.

Wesley Yin-Poole

samharper: I really don't want to stay up for this, but I can't resist... I just have to see how bad it is...


Wesley Yin-Poole

zzkj: The Sony event is ... rumoured to contain lots of pretty big stuff. I suspect that's where the Street Fighter V deal was going to be announced.

It was. Someone somewhere is very dead. Dead dead dead.

Wesley Yin-Poole

Zioman: The Last Guardian? :>

Hehe hoho

Wesley Yin-Poole

I can hear MUSIC FOR NERDS so something must be about to happen.

Wesley Yin-Poole

Here we go!

Wesley Yin-Poole

Ah, video game music on a piano. Banging!

Wesley Yin-Poole

Where's the dubstep? Needs more dubstep.

Wesley Yin-Poole

That was Koji Kondo on the piano, by the way, who composed Mario's music

Wesley Yin-Poole

Ah, it's Reggie. Go on and announce a new Metroid, will you? That'll save the Wii U.

Wesley Yin-Poole

That's another joke, by the way. Nothing can save the Wii U.

Wesley Yin-Poole

Did Reggie just say Captain Toad Treasure Tractor? That's what I heard

Wesley Yin-Poole

Nintendo is getting lazy. Mario Maker gets all the players making the new Mario so Nintendo doesn't have to. Lazy. LAZY

Wesley Yin-Poole

If it was Captain Toad Treasure Tractor, then it might have saved Wii U.

Wesley Yin-Poole

Miyamoto doesn't say anything about the new Zelda. Destroy everything

Wesley Yin-Poole

Ah, it's Geoff. Fair play to Geoff for getting The Game Awards off the ground after last year's, ahem, interesting effort. Still going to rip the piss, mind. No free pass from me, my friend.

Wesley Yin-Poole

Ah look, it's the new voice of Solid Snake, who everyone hates because he's not the old voice of Solid Snake.

Wesley Yin-Poole

Cool story, Kiefer Sutherland, aka bro

Wesley Yin-Poole

What did Kiefer say? Sorry, I wasn't listening.

Wesley Yin-Poole

Is Hideo Kojima getting younger? He's a freak. An ageless freak.

Wesley Yin-Poole

Metal Gear Online, or, me and the lads out in Croydon on a Saturday night

Wesley Yin-Poole

Graphics on Metal Gear Online look great. FOX Engine doing its work.

Wesley Yin-Poole

Of note: Metal Gear Solid 5 includes Metal Gear Online.

Wesley Yin-Poole

Tim Schafer now on stage, doing actual comedy. I like Tim. Met him a few times. Made me laugh.

Wesley Yin-Poole

Timmy! South Park wins best performance, which is the correct result, because that's the only game out of those nominated I have played.

Wesley Yin-Poole

Trey Parker's Timmy dialogue is the best, though. Had me crying.

Wesley Yin-Poole

Also, now we know why Kevin Spacey didn't turn up.

Wesley Yin-Poole

The Fullbright Company's new game teased there. Just a teaser though. Well, at least we know it's not Gone Home 2.

Wesley Yin-Poole

It's called Tacoma, and it's out 2016. New game from the creators of Gone Home.

Wesley Yin-Poole

Geoff mentions Steam. Half-Life 3 confirmed.

Wesley Yin-Poole

Right, new Bloodborne video. Too hard, crap game.

Wesley Yin-Poole

I haven't played it yet, but that doesn't matter. It's too hard so therefore crap.

Wesley Yin-Poole

I think they have some guy standing right next to a mic who keeps screaming at everything. Calm down, mate, it's just a video game awards show

Wesley Yin-Poole

Well that was Bloodborne. Looks like lots of co-op fun. Too hard, crap.

Wesley Yin-Poole

zzkj: That looks like dark red paint everywhere.

If it bleeds red paint, we can kill it

Wesley Yin-Poole

It's the guys behind The Banner Saga. I've met these chaps. They're really nice. Grounded, enthusiastic and talented.

Wesley Yin-Poole

A sequel? Well why not. The Banner Saga did well enough. Nice one.

Wesley Yin-Poole

Oh look it's Bungie, being cryptic. SHOCKING

Wesley Yin-Poole

I love you Bungie, but lighten up. It's just a video game

Wesley Yin-Poole

There's an award for "Trending Gamer". I repeat, there's an award for "Trending Gamer".

Wesley Yin-Poole

Total Biscuit wins an award. He is the best "Trending Gamer".

Wesley Yin-Poole

Oh it's Liverpudlian Peter Moore. No tattoos? Boooooooo (probably for the best).

Wesley Yin-Poole

Sorry Peter, Liverpool are rubbish #cfc

Wesley Yin-Poole

Right, this is the announcement that EA has picked up Hazelight Studios, the company founded by the people who made the brilliant Brothers

Wesley Yin-Poole

callmeqt314: looks forward to seeing this company dissolved next year


Wesley Yin-Poole

Where do those people down the front get their energy from? Plus, more music for nerds. NERDS

Wesley Yin-Poole

Jeffrey's report on Fullbright's new game, Tacoma, is online. It's got a bit more information in it.

Wesley Yin-Poole

Oh it's Marty O'Donnell, my hero! Also, bet it's awkward him being there and Bungie being there. Awkward!

Wesley Yin-Poole

"Hey, Marty, how's it going?" "Not bad, Harold, since you GAVE ME BACK MY SHARES LOL."

Wesley Yin-Poole

Britain's Got Talent has finally arrived at Las Vegas.

Wesley Yin-Poole

I feel like I should take this piss out of this laser music thing, but they did Street Fighter, so...

Wesley Yin-Poole

YEAH! WOOO! Mate, your throat is going to be sore in the morning.

Wesley Yin-Poole

Please say deal with it, Adam Orth

Wesley Yin-Poole

You must

Wesley Yin-Poole

Adrift looks like Gravity the video game

Wesley Yin-Poole

Looks cool - wouldn't mind giving it a go with Oculus Rift

Wesley Yin-Poole

Shame Adam Orth didn't say deal with it

Wesley Yin-Poole

Ah god, this isn't funny. Sorry everyone. I know you worked hard. But this isn't funny

Wesley Yin-Poole

Thank god that's over. Right, best mobile game. Has to be Hearthstone. Oh no wait, Threes is actually awesome.

Wesley Yin-Poole

Hearthstone dev team not at the awards? Ouch. Well, they're probably in crunch because of Goblins vs Gnomes.

Wesley Yin-Poole

Reggie has been with Nintendo for 11 years. Bet the Wii U has been his highlight haha hehe hoho

Wesley Yin-Poole

Wait, Smash Bros. won best fighting game? It's not a fighting game. It's a brawler. GAH #elitistfightinggamefan

Wesley Yin-Poole

Reggie and Geoff need to get a room. And play Smash Bros. together. Gosh, you people have dirty minds

Wesley Yin-Poole

Codename STEAM will save the Wii U. Wii U saved

Wesley Yin-Poole

Wait, Codename STEAM isn't for Wii U? Sorry, the graphics fooled me

Wesley Yin-Poole

It's Godus 2 from Peter Molyneux's son

Wesley Yin-Poole

I joke. Another hilarious joke. That game was called Before and is not from Peter Molyneux's son. It is, actually, from Jon Snow

Wesley Yin-Poole

Before: "a game about pre-historic people and their survival. Created by @Billowper. Being developed by Facepunch Studios."

Wesley Yin-Poole

zzkj: Was there even any competition for fighting game aside from maybe Arcana Hearts 3: LOVE MAX?

Doesn't matter. Smash Bros. isn't a fighting game. Please try to keep up

Wesley Yin-Poole

Bring back Paul McCartney, all is forgiven

Wesley Yin-Poole

Battlefield Hardline has had a bit of a tough time, hasn't it? I kind of feel like no-one cares because it's not DICE. Plus, all the harm the BF4 launch did to the franchise means people are rightly distrustful over it

Wesley Yin-Poole

Nadeshot is the best eSports person. Bet I could have him at Street Fighter, though

Wesley Yin-Poole

jayc1: What time does this finish?

It is eternal, unending, relentless

Wesley Yin-Poole

Sports and racing are so niche they have to bundle together to get their own award

Wesley Yin-Poole

Mario Kart beats FIFA to the best sports racing game award.

Wesley Yin-Poole

The Order isn't doing it for me. Just feels a bit boring. And I've played it, yes.

Wesley Yin-Poole

It's a shame, as it's set in London.

Wesley Yin-Poole

This is something about baseball, so I'm just going to make a cup of tea brb

Wesley Yin-Poole

Until Dawn looks interesting, although a bit David Cage

Wesley Yin-Poole

I asked David Cage once about all the people who said his games were just QTE-fests. His reply: "Bullshit."

Wesley Yin-Poole

OMG only half-way done. Please, I have a two-hour driving lesson at 8am. Have mercy on my soul, Geoff

Wesley Yin-Poole

I hope that was just a joke. Another hilarious joke

Wesley Yin-Poole

Wow, Far Cry 4 beat Destiny to best shooter. Elephant sympathy vote

Wesley Yin-Poole

This live report is a Stealth Destiny Article, obviously

Wesley Yin-Poole

Oh look, it's Damien from CD Projekt. He was over here for EGX this year. Passionate chap.

Wesley Yin-Poole

Now The Witcher 3 is one game I am excited for. Looks great!

Wesley Yin-Poole

Does that video mean it has a female playable Witcher?

Wesley Yin-Poole

No Man's Sky continues to look incredible, although I'm still not clear how it's all supposed to work

Wesley Yin-Poole

We're back with the Mercury Prize Music Awards 2014, featuring Alt-J, True Detective and Mario the pianist

Wesley Yin-Poole

JimJamJones: Wesley is so salty when it comes to Nintendo games. He can eat a dick.

Only if it's salted

Wesley Yin-Poole

Wait, a new Godzilla game for PS3 and PS4 next year. That was a bit... random

Wesley Yin-Poole

callmeqt314: What happene dto sierra? did they shut down at somepoint? i miss them last i remember was gearbox halflife chronicles on pc

Activision just revived the Sierra brand for Geometry Wars 3

Wesley Yin-Poole

Activision has a new King's Quest as part of the Sierra label revival

Wesley Yin-Poole

wearethestorm: @callmeqt314 Todd Howard hopefully

Don't hold your breath

Wesley Yin-Poole

New King's Quest is pretty exciting. Tugs on those nostalgia heartstrings

Wesley Yin-Poole

Looking forward to King's Quest - out autumn 2015.

Wesley Yin-Poole

TekMerc: It looks like they weren't joking that hat was the half way point.

Yeah :(

Wesley Yin-Poole

Oh, there's a Dungeon Defenders 2 PS4 announcement. Out 2015. I had a chat with the developers recently, and they were cryptic when I asked about an Xbox One version. The impression I get is it's a timed console exclusive. PC version is out on Steam Early Access now, I believe.

Wesley Yin-Poole


Wesley Yin-Poole

Andy House might have something to say about Shawn Layden being "the man who runs PlayStation"

Wesley Yin-Poole

Shovel Knight wins best indie game. Fair enough

Wesley Yin-Poole

Shovel Knight is a feel good Kickstarter story. There are some out there, then.

Wesley Yin-Poole

Was hoping for some Human Element gameplay, there. Disappointed!

Wesley Yin-Poole

This Eve Online video is amazing. When that game is good, it's incredible

Wesley Yin-Poole

Right, finally, game of the year award

Wesley Yin-Poole

Dragon Age: Inquisition is game of the year, then. What do you think of that?

Wesley Yin-Poole

I hope to get to Dragon Age over Christmas. Feels like a good Christmas game.

Wesley Yin-Poole

Here's Reggie. Are we about to get Zelda footage?

Wesley Yin-Poole

Well, that was some off-screen Zelda footage. Map sounds big

Wesley Yin-Poole

So, Starfox Wii U out next year, before Zelda, which is also out next year. Wii U saved?

Wesley Yin-Poole

Looks like Imagine Dragons are playing us out. Well, The Game Awards was certainly better than the VGX Awards, although about an hour too long. Highlight for me was No Man's Sky, King's Quest and The Legend of Zelda. What about you?

Wesley Yin-Poole

Koji Kondo was pretty great there, at the end. Zelda music is always awesome.

Wesley Yin-Poole

Right, that's our lot! Thanks for sticking with us through the night for our live report of The Game Awards 2014. Byebye!

Wesley Yin-Poole

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