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This week on Outside Xbox

Character reboots, Bayonetta and the return of Far Cryathlon.

Hello again, Eurogamer. It's January - the time of year when we all traditionally attempt a character reboot. One that for me translates to one week of going to the gym and ordering salads and then another 51 weeks of shovelling pizza into my mouth and playing games, in a fan-pleasing return to 'Classic' Mike.

The character reboot in Ninja Theory's DmC: Devil May Cry is rather more drastic than a few rapidly abandoned resolutions. Series hero Dante has transformed from a white-haired J-Pop heartthrob to a swaggering hobo punk. This gear change is at the centre of our latest Show of the Week.

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Elsewhere, with the results of last week's Far Cryathlon coming up as a draw, we had to put the question of who is the best at crashing things in Far Cry 3 to bed. So with a little help from the game's map editor, we constructed challenge to end all Far Cry challenges. It's like a ski jump, but with more explosions and animal maulings. Expect to see it feature heavily at Soichi 2014.

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Finally, Andy takes a look at this week's new(ish) release, multiplayer brawler Anarchy Reigns, which is finally available on European and American soil. As a reward for our patience it boasts a budget price, two new multiplayer modes and a new character in the shapely shape of Bayonetta. To see her wielding a roadsign with intent, you need only click the video below.

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Still hungry for more? Check out our favourite pop-culture references and Easter Eggs in XBLA's Retro City Rampage and, if you can't get enough of DmC, there's a detailed look at Dante's Wiccan sidekick Kat, who effortlessly picks up the bewitchment baton from Trip, the heartbreakingly engaging heroine of Ninja Theory's previous game Enslaved. Otherwise, we'll see you on Outside Xbox and back here the same time next week.

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