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Today's probably the day for Overwatch Halloween loot boxes

UPDATE: Drop everything - it's here!

UPDATE 12TH OCTOBER: It has arrived: Overwatch Halloween Terror is here on PC, PS4 and Xbox One, and will stay until 1st November.

With it come the pumpkin loot boxes we've been expecting. They contain new skins for 12 characters: Roadhog, Junkrat, Mercy, Reaper, Hanzo, Soldier: 76, Bastion, Symmetra, Zenyatta, Pharah, Ana and Reinhardt. Some are flashier than others. The good news this time, as opposed to the Summer Games, is that you can buy the new skins too. Also in the loot boxes are new RIP victory poses, sprays, emotes, icons and highlight intros.

The other big new addition is Overwatch's first PVE content: a Brawl called Junkenstein's Revenge. It's for four people who must play as either Ana, Soldier: 76, McCree or Hanzo - so, no tanks and no doubling up - and protect the Eichenwalde castle doors from an army of zombie omnic robots. You'll face waves of attacks led by Dr. Junkenstein and presumably be well compensated should you be successful.

The old Hollywood map has had a Halloween makeover as well. And the Overwatch Junkenstein comic has been officially released.

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UPDATE 11TH OCTOBER: The PlayStation Blog has listed the Overwatch Halloween loot boxes, both confirming their existence and revealing they'll arrive on PS4 tomorrow. Note that Wednesdays are when the PlayStation Store updates in Europe each week, so the boxes can still - and probably will - arrive on PC today. The Xbox Marketplace updates on Tuesdays.

ORIGINAL STORY 11TH OCTOBER: Today could be the day the Overwatch Halloween loot boxes appear. They've been teased for days but overnight came the strongest piece of evidence yet: a screenshot of the Taiwanese Overwatch website showing a front-page Halloween loot box splash.

Pictured are Australian criminal-duo Roadhog and Junkrat in their Halloween guises.

Oh bless them!

The picture was removed from the Taiwanese Overwatch website after a few minutes, according to a post on the Overwatch Subreddit, where a screenshot was shared.

The picture touted a 12th October arrival date for the Halloween content, and a 1st November end date. The 12th is a Wednesday and not today as I suggested in the opening paragraph, but there are a couple of reasons why I still believe it will release here today.

There was a subsequent piece of evidence - a Blizzard post on an official notice board for Korean gaming rooms (PC bangs) - that specified the patch's arrival time in Korea as 3am (and the size as 1.74GB). At the same point in time it will be 7pm Tuesday evening in the UK.

That Tuesday evening arrival time is also the slot all previous post-launch Overwatch patches have arrived in the UK.

So what's in the patch? Clearly a new skin for Roadhog and Junkrat - or Junkenstein, according to an Overwatch Halloween comic that also recently leaked.

That comic shows the original Overwatch team in Halloween costumes, and particularly focuses on Mercy in a witch costume and Reaper with a pumpkin on his head, so I'd assume they're shoo-ins for skins as well. Less prominent are McCree in a kind of Van Helsing outfit, Reinhardt in a Napoleon get-up (although he had new skins released recently), Torbjorn in a fluffy viking costume and Ana dressed as a pirate. Soldier: 76 wears his star-spangled Daredevil: 76 outfit that's already in the game.

There are many of the Overwatch characters missing from the scene, so it's unclear whether they'll get costumes too - but let's hope so.

The leaked comic and the Taiwanese Overwatch slip-up follow a supposed listing on the Xbox Live Marketplace for the Halloween loot boxes, which, teasingly, had a picture showing a sweet wrapper with the icon associated with Sombra on it. But I think Sombra is further off. Look for her around BlizzCon in early November.

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