Opinion Why I Hate... The Saboteur "Like setting a rom-com in late-sixties Vietnam." Oct. 25, 2011 Keza MacDonald 91 comments
Opinion Why I Hate… Football Manager Steve Hill on what happens when love turns sour. Oct. 25, 2011 Steve Hill 37 comments
Opinion Why I Hate… Resident Evil 4 Contains scenes of violence and snore. Oct. 25, 2011 Mark Scott 115 comments
Opinion Why I Hate... Final Fantasy Role-playing gahhhhhhhh. Oct. 25, 2011 Daniel Bettridge 114 comments
Opinion Why I Love… PDC World Championship Darts: Pro Tour Steve Hill has 180 reasons. Oct. 25, 2011 Steve Hill 25 comments
Opinion Why I Love... Train Simulators The attraction of traction. Oct. 25, 2011 Tim Stone 36 comments