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Trolls can't ruin Dimension Drive's second Kickstarter

If at first you don't succeed...

Dimension Drive's crowdfunding effort has succeeded at the second time of asking.

Last month the indie developer behind Dimension Drive relaunched the game's Kickstarter after a troll ruined its first attempt.

The people behind Dutch developer 2Awesome Studio were left devastated after a troll ruined the Dimension Drive Kickstarter right at the death.

2Awesome Studio were celebrating after they received a €7000 pledge to the Kickstarter for comic book-styled shoot-'em-up Dimension Drive just hours before its was due to end. The pledge pushed the Kickstarter just shy of its €30,000 target, causing the studio to tweet its thanks to their mysterious saviour, known only as "Jonathan".

But jubilation quickly turned to devastation when Kickstarter told the developers the €7000 pledge was fraudulent, the money had been pulled and Dimension Drive went from dramatic Kickstarter success to dramatic Kickstarter failure in the blink of an eye. The whole episode was captured live on Twitch.

Developer David Jimenez, who works as an engineer at the European Space Agency, told Eurogamer at the time that while Kickstarter sympathised with the studio's plight, it was unable to offer an extension of the campaign. But the crowdfunding company suggested a Kickstarter relaunch - and it worked.

At the time of publication, €33,438 had been raised from 1016 backers, with 12 days to go.

Clearly, the events of last month fuelled interest in Dimension Drive, with the new campaign now chasing stretch goals - one of which is a two-player mode.

Dimension Drive will be released on Steam at the end of 2015.

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