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Ubisoft E3 2018 conference live report

The Division 2! Beyond Good and Evil 2! Assassin's Creed Odyssey! Some typical Ubisoft strangeness? All this and more from 9pm BST.

It might not be the biggest conference when it comes to headlines, but on past form it's certainly one of the most fun. Ubisoft takes to the E3 stage at 9pm BST to offer fresh looks at Assassin's Creed Odyssey, The Division 2 and Beyond Good and Evil 2, plus hopefully more than a little gallic eccentricity on the side. Join us to see it all unravel.

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Our live coverage of this event has finished.

Hello, hi, sorry it's me again.

Martin Robinson

Just over 30 minutes to go, and I'm heading down to Easy Hours on a beer run. Who wants what? Kami, you're on the jasmine tea, right?

Martin Robinson

Hello from the Orpheum Theatre, where I'm probably watching the same pre-conference spiel as you are. As always, the chandeliers in here are lovely.

Tom Phillips

ExileClub: Anything else interesting to share?

The pre-conference food is stroopwaffles. They were good.

Tom Phillips

Oh I do love the Orpheum Theatre.

Martin Robinson

Centrale1: A new version of Rocksmith would be a welcome surprise! Other than that I'm hoping to see some gameplay in BG&E2.

I've heard BGE2 still isn't playable at E3 this week, but we should definitely see more than last year's tech demo. Honestly though, Michel Ancel can take as long as he wants to nail it.

Tom Phillips

It's an incredibly classy backdrop, and it's just a delight to sit in the beautiful beaux arts theatre.

Martin Robinson

And no, Aaron Priceman - also known as Mr. Caffeine - will not be there this year.

Martin Robinson

More's the pity.

Martin Robinson

Martin Robinson

Aisha > Mr. Caffeine.

Tom Phillips

Three minutes! I will put my money down and say we will see an Assassin's Creed game.

Tom Phillips

So, what to expect.

Martin Robinson

Well, there's the known knowns.

Martin Robinson

As Tom says, expect an Assassin's Creed.

Martin Robinson

I think there will also be a lot of disappointed people if Ubisoft's annual "one last thing" is not Splinter Cell.

Tom Phillips

The Division 2, Beyond Good & Evil 2, Skull & Bones.

Martin Robinson

What I'd love? Fade to black at the end, see three green lights come up on screen and that traditional fizzing power sound.

Martin Robinson

And a tease - and hopefully a little more - of a new Splinter Cell.

Martin Robinson

That'd be very nice thank you very much.

Martin Robinson

The really big news, though.

Martin Robinson

Is that Aisha is back.

Martin Robinson

Last thing from me - do refresh as soon as the conference finishes to hear a lot more about Assassin's Creed Odyssey. If you have a burning question from seeing it in the conference, we hope you will find answers.

Tom Phillips

Says who?

Martin Robinson

Right, let's do this.

Martin Robinson

Who are these jabronis?

Paul Watson

We want Aisha.

Paul Watson

Oh I forgot they've got a cars. The Crew 2 will obviously feature a little, even if it's out fairly soon.

Martin Robinson

First though, a panda dancing.

Martin Robinson

How can you not love Ubisoft?

Martin Robinson

Would be up for 90 minutes of this to be honest.

Martin Robinson

I've never really played Just Dance.

Martin Robinson

But I hope that every year it opens Ubisoft's conference.

Martin Robinson

Because it's just the greatest.

Martin Robinson

This dance number is better than all of Square Enix's miserable half hour.

Tom Phillips

Pacman8MyGhostkart: Please be Aisha in the Panda costume!

That'd win E3, really. Sorry Microsoft.

Martin Robinson

I really hope this never stops.

Martin Robinson

It's showing no signs of stopping as the extended musical number goes on and on and on, and the panda just keeps on dancing.

Martin Robinson

So there you go, there's a Just Dance game coming out in October.

Martin Robinson

And what is this?

Martin Robinson

It's Beyond Good & Evil, because why not start with the big guns.

Martin Robinson

I still don't quite understand how these extravagant cinematics square with what sounds like quite an MMO-ish game.

Martin Robinson

And there's your money shot. Jade.

Martin Robinson

I didn't even care much for the original, but that gave me goosebumps.

Martin Robinson

Will we get to see some more of the game in action though?

Martin Robinson

If you're at E3 - and are lucky enough to have an appointment - there's an extended demo.

Martin Robinson

We are getting our own look at Ganesha, though, one of the locales in the game.

Martin Robinson

And it's mighty, mighty pretty.

Martin Robinson

And annoyingly we're not seeing it properly on the feed.

Martin Robinson

That was an utter waste. Why show us a zoomed out shot of the stage? Silly sausages.

Martin Robinson

And here's Joseph Gordon-Levitt for a little touch of the bizarre - his company Hit-Record is involved in Beyond Good & Evil 2.

Martin Robinson

It's that guy that was going to be Batman before sad Affleck came along and ruined it all!

Martin Robinson

Anyway, this is about community collaboration. Do people who contribute art, assets and so forth get paid?

Martin Robinson

The mic is left on as they leave stage.

Martin Robinson

And you hear a high-pitched 'WE NAILED IT'!

Martin Robinson

Yeah you kind of did. Nice one!

Martin Robinson

Here's Rainbow Six: Siege with an impressive number to kick its section off - there are now 35 million players of Ubi's tactical shooter.

Martin Robinson

Kami: BGE2 is confusing. If it's a prequel - how does Pey'j know who Jade is?


Martin Robinson

(also a quick follow-up - apparently HitRecord does pay contributors, so good one all around well done everybody!)

Martin Robinson

That was... A trailer for a Rainbow Six documentary?

Martin Robinson

Who cares her's RedLynx's nutty Antti with what must be a new Trials.

Martin Robinson

He is a beautifully strange man.

Martin Robinson

And quite a good slapstick comedian.

Martin Robinson

I've met him a few times, and this isn't an act. He really is this nuts.

Martin Robinson

We're due a decent Trials game, I think, as the last couple have fallen a little flat.

Martin Robinson

It looks like Trials without some of the gimmicks that have blighted recent games.

Martin Robinson

So I'm in.

Martin Robinson

Trials Rising be it.

Martin Robinson

Professor Fatshady, a Trials streamer, is up here now.

Martin Robinson

Closed beta coming later this year is the upshot of all that.

Martin Robinson

February 2019.

Martin Robinson

And yes it's coming to Switch.

Martin Robinson

LividCarrion: Is it the 22nd by any chance? Is it like the video game releace date version of chicken?

It must be, because every game is attracted to that date like it's some kind of deep void of a black hole.

Martin Robinson

Julian Gerrighty, who you might remember from the original The Crew and other games, looks like he's walked straight out of Watch Dogs as he presents The Division 2.

Martin Robinson

That untucked dress shirt under a jacket is not going down well in the Eurogamer office, let me tell you.

Martin Robinson

Korlis: Potentially unpopular opinion but I enjoyed the story/setting of The Division. The wintry city helped. Not sure I want to swelter through DC.

I'm with you, I thought it worked well.

Martin Robinson

Under a denim jacket. WITH SWEAT PANTS.

Oli Welsh


Martin Robinson

Anyway The Division 2 will have colours.

Martin Robinson

I love Ubisoft games, but I do think it's time to leave the Tom Clancy bullshit behind.

Martin Robinson

It seems dated, nasty and kind of in contrast to the values they otherwise extol.

Martin Robinson

I dunno though, it does mean cool gadgets and lots of shooty bang bang so maybe I should shut up.

Martin Robinson

The Division 2's going to have a much bigger focus on the endgame, which is a good thing seeing how hard I bounced off of it after seeing through the (generous) main questline.

Martin Robinson

HerrProduk: @MartinRobinson I agree. Or they should go the whole hog & base the next one on Stephen Segal’s terrible novel Way of the Shadow Wolves

Gets my vote.

Martin Robinson

And The Division 2 will have raids.

Martin Robinson

(I thought the incursions were already kind of like raids?)

Martin Robinson

DLC episodes will be free.

Martin Robinson

I think they're on to us, hence the new trend for jirts.

Martin Robinson

The jirt allows you to be free and unencumbered while still covering your nipples.

Martin Robinson

And on from that dirgey shooter to something a bit lighter - Rabbids.

Martin Robinson

It's about the Donkey Kong DLC coming to Mario and Rabbids. Rather than anything new we're getting a Grant Kirkhope performance.

Martin Robinson

And you know what, I'm fine with that.

Martin Robinson

Sometimes the mic stays on and gets stuff which paints you in a positive light. Sometimes, a little less so.

Martin Robinson

Again, I'm very much behind this. How lovely to have a Kirkhope performance live on stage.

Martin Robinson

This is, above all, a lovely celebration of games, and another nice little tip of the hat from Ubisoft to Nintendo.

Martin Robinson

‘They changed the intro again?’ ‘Yeah, they change it every two seconds’ Something along those lines - some minor squabbling.

Martin Robinson

And they've slowed it riiiiiggggghhhht down.

Martin Robinson

Skull & Bones now please.

Martin Robinson

Kiliko: oh god how've we gone from Donkey Kong joyousness to a turgid grey pirate cannon-a-thon?

There is nothing turgid about pirates!

Martin Robinson

Pacman8MyGhostkart: This is looking like the game Sea of Thieves was meant to be. He says have only seen about 8 minutes of pre-rendered footage.

Probably enough for me to base a review on to be fair.

Martin Robinson

Why's Justin Farren wearing a scarf indoors?

Martin Robinson

Is the aircon on super strong in The Orpheum? Is he Doctor Who?

Martin Robinson

Or does he just have a hickey that he's trying to hide.

Martin Robinson

In case he's mum sees it and asks what he was up to last night.

Martin Robinson

wellzy4eva: Is this already confirmed as online Multiplayer only?

It was last year, I believe.

Martin Robinson

This does look an awful lot like Sea of Thieves. With more graphics and somehow less of them too.

Martin Robinson

(Don't expect me to be writing for Digital Foundry anytime soon).

Martin Robinson

blarty: The problem with multiplayer only games, such as Sea of Thieves, and presumably Skull & Bones, is the propensity of gankers and grievers.

But pirates are the original griefers!

Martin Robinson

That was Skull and Bones. It's got pirates in it.

Martin Robinson

And this is Elijah Woods game that I forgot all about. It's Transference.

Martin Robinson

Gary Busey's coming on stage to introduce his own take on the Battle Royale genre a bit later.

Martin Robinson

It's a VR game, I believe, but it's also getting a flatscreen release.

Martin Robinson

I'm sure this was announced as a VR exclusive, and that seems to have been watered down with it coming to traditional platforms.

Martin Robinson

It does look fascinating, mind.

Martin Robinson

This is a fairly interesting new take on the toys to life phenomenon - or maybe not such a phenomenon anymore - called Starlink.

Martin Robinson

I didn't see it last year, but people I know who did tell me it's very interesting indeed.

Martin Robinson

Coming October 16th.

Martin Robinson

I think it's for a slightly older market than Skylanders, a slightly younger one than Amiibo (because they're all bought by tragic thirtysomethings like me, right?)

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Oh my.

Martin Robinson

It's Star Fox.

Martin Robinson

And that music has me close to tears.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Star Fox is coming to Starlink. I'm not sure how integral it'll be.

Martin Robinson

It's a Switch exclusive - Star Fox, that is. But I guess that was obvious.

Martin Robinson

And here's Miyamoto, and every time I see him I can't help but smile.

Martin Robinson

Enormous cheers and applause for Yves and Miyamoto. Crowd here loved that.

Tom Phillips

And here's what Star Fox the toy looks like in Star Link.

Martin Robinson

I will be buying that.

Martin Robinson

Well that was a nice surprise.

Martin Robinson

For Honor, which judging by our recent re-review has come a fair way since launch, steps up now.

Martin Robinson

We've still got Assassin's Creed to step up as well, and just over 20 minutes left to run through by my estimations.

Martin Robinson

Marching Fire is an all-new For Honor expansion.

Martin Robinson

It's out October 16th.

Martin Robinson

We're due one, aren't we? Hoping it shows up tomorrow.

Martin Robinson

There's a new 4x4 multiplayer mode coming to For Honor, in a new mode called Bridge.

Martin Robinson

I can't hear for all the explosions. You're right, it is.

Martin Robinson

The Crew 2 up now, then - so we might only have room for Assassin's and one... more... thing.

Martin Robinson

Pre-load for The Crew 2 is up right now, if that's your thing.

Martin Robinson

I think collectively at Eurogamer we also enjoyed it more than most, as we've all got a bit of a soft spot for eccentric racers. This also looks pleasingly offbeat.

Martin Robinson

It's time for your Assassin's update - a sequel to last year's Origins, and a continuation of that story.

Martin Robinson

We'll have quite a bit more detail on this hitting the site shortly.

Martin Robinson

This chap's gone even further to protect any nipple reveal under the shirt - he's wearing some kind of protective undergarment so even if they stiffen up and poke out like bullets we're unlikely to see them.

Martin Robinson

For shame.

Martin Robinson

Ah so I might have bene wrong and it's not a strict continuation, seeing as you choose your own character in this Assassin's Creed.

Martin Robinson

blarty: Given the focus on nippleage - what drinking game are you playing, Martin?

I'm drinking a beer every time I get thirsty.

Martin Robinson

It's my favourite drinking game.

Martin Robinson

Kami: Almost nipples!

Taking that as the title of my memoirs, thanks.

Martin Robinson

I got it wrong, sorry - I'm not too hot on Assassin's stuff (Tom is the super nerd on all things AC, and thankfully he's handling the write-up that's about to hit the site).

Martin Robinson

Well Odyssey certainly has its fair share of graphics.

Martin Robinson

There's a much bigger RPG feel to this, especially in the branching conversations.

Martin Robinson

Also it's just really, really pretty.

Martin Robinson

I believe so. More BioWare than Anthem, it would seem.

Martin Robinson

Korlis: So the PC Gaming show up next - is it worth watching? Does anything interesting get announced, or should I go watch Black Panther before it's time for Sony?

We won't be live reporting the PC gaming show this year, but it's always got a few good moments in there. And it is something to do while we wait for Sony, so...

Martin Robinson

That's Odyssey then. Looks alright, don't it?

Martin Robinson

We're past 90 minutes now.

Martin Robinson

That dancing panda seems like a lifetime ago.

Martin Robinson

But there's surely time for one last thing.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

That really is it.

Martin Robinson

No big climax, although Assassin's does look lovely.

Martin Robinson

So that was Ubisoft's conference.

Martin Robinson

Typically upbeat, full of lovely moments - Antti being a highlight, as ever - and some decent looking games.

Martin Robinson

No real showstoppers like The Division, Watch Dogs or Rabbids back in the day - but maybe there's something of a holding pattern while Ubi preps for the next gen that's clearly imminent.

Martin Robinson

In the meantime we've got lots of awesome things to keep us occupied.

Martin Robinson

We'll be back at 2am for Sony. Hopefully see you there!

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Catch you all later, and thanks, as ever, for joining.

Martin Robinson

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