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Ultra Street Fighter 2 on Nintendo Switch does the business for Capcom

Despite being a rip-off.

Ultra Street Fighter 2 on Nintendo Switch - a game I panned in our review for being a disappointing package and a bit of a rip-off - has done the business for Capcom.

In its latest financial report, which covers the first quarter of Capcom's fiscal year ending 31st March 2018, Ultra Street Fighter 2 is highlighted as a rousing success.

"Ultra Street Fighter 2 for the Nintendo Switch had a favourable launch, exceeding our forecast," said Capcom, without divulging sales figures.

Ultra Street Fighter 2 might have benefited from coming out at the right time. It launched on 26th May 2017, filling a gap in the Nintendo Switch release schedule. But it will also have had a nostalgia-fuelled appeal for lapsed Street Fighter fans. So maybe we shouldn't be surprised to see the £35 Ultra Street Fighter 2 exceed Capcom's forecasts.

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Elsewhere, it was happy days for Capcom during a quiet quarter. Download revenue grew mainly from catalogue sales of Resident Evil 7 and Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, the latter of which was re-released.

Resi 7 has now shifted 3.7m units, which is still under the 4m figure Capcom had hoped for before the end of its last financial year.

As for the future, Capcom's got Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite coming out in September and Monster Hunter World slated for early 2018.

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