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Uncharted 3 Fortune Hunters' Club closes its doors next week with new DLC

New multiplayer maps unveiled in trailer.

The Uncharted 3 Fortune Hunters' Club closes its doors next week with the release of new DLC.

Four new Uncharted 3 multiplayer maps will be available to download on Wednesday, 11th April from the PlayStation Store. A trailer showcasing the maps is below.

Included is the Graveyard map, the Old Quarter map, the London Streets map and the Oasis map. "We put a lot of love and polish into each map and each map has a new dynamic event that occurs as the match progresses," Naughty Dog community strategist Eric Monacelli said.

"A patrol boat will circle the border of Graveyard launching grenades over the map as it cruises along its path. In Oasis, a plane drops a shipping crate that can flatten you or your enemy if you don't move out of its way in time. The crate contains a power weapon if you're smart enough to stay out of the crate's shadow. London Street and Old Quarter contain dynamic events as well but we want to leave you a couple big surprises now don't we?"

The new map pack costs €9.99 / £7.99, but if you're a member of the Fortune Hunters' Club it's free. If you're not a member, you have until the PS Store updates on 17th April to sign up - the Fortune Hunters' Club shuts down in 12 days.

This doesn't mean the end of Uncharted 3 DLC, however. "For starters, for those of you itching for new play types and experimental modes, The Lab will make its return to Uncharted multiplayer," Monacelli revealed. "We'll be talking with and polling you in our forums about various potential ideas we have for the future of Uncharted 3 multiplayer so be sure to join in our community and voice your opinion."

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