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Valve announces Portal 2 delay

The date was a lie.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Portal 2 will not make it's previously reported release date of 9th February, developer Valve has announced.

The sequel to its widely adored first person puzzler has been pushed back until 22nd April 2011.

Major bummer, right? Well, Valve is more of a glass-half-full sort.

A press release reads, "This two month slip not only marks the shortest delay in Valve's proud tradition of delays, it represents the approaching convergence of Valve Time and Real Time. Though this convergence spells doom for humanity, it will not affect the new Portal 2 release date."

The much-anticipated follow-up is in development for PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Take a look at the trailer below to whet your appetite.

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