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Video: Games that should have been at E3 (but weren't)

Also from Outside Xbox: Far Cry 4's villain and devastating spoilers.

Hi Eurogamers, welcome to your pick of the week's best videos from This week, we decompressed after the mayhem of E3 and realised not everything we expected to see actually turned up to that games industry bunfight.

There are notable E3 absences each year, and though that doesn't necessarily mean the games are in development trouble, it raises the question of why we didn't get to see some tasty gameplay. What might surprise you is that some of these games are scheduled for release this year. Find out who bunked off E3 2014 in this video.

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One game most definitely present at E3 was Far Cry 4, which impressed us with its ridable elephants, deadly wildlife and psychotic selfie enthusiast Pagan Min. Min is both "not a white guy" and "an outsider" from Hong Kong, says technical director Cedric Decelle. Watch on for more details on 2014's most compelling villain.

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But enough about E3, how about that Game of Thrones season finale? When [REDACTED] went and [REDACTED]? Speaking of devastating spoilers, we shared the internet's collective pain over the seven that could most instantly and completely undermine your enjoyment of a game. If you didn't already finish Silent Hill 2, Final Fantasy 7, Knights of the Old Republic, Bioshock, Spec Ops: The Line, Heavy Rain and BioShock Infinite, heads up: spoiler alert.

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