Warzone phone locations: Where to answer phones in Warzone's Ghosts of Verdansk event
The challenge to answer phones in Warzone is part of Ghosts of Verdansk, a Halloween-themed variation of the battle royale mode.
Featured during The Haunting, Ghosts of Verdasnk features a total of nine challenges to complete. As well as a reward for each, you will obtain the new LAPA SMG for completing them all.
This guide explains where to answer phones to complete one of the aforementioned challenges, as well as how to operate them so you can complete the Ghosts of Verdansk event fast.
If you're looking for more help with the event, see our Sacred Ground locations explainer.
Currently, as of Warzone Season 4, you can no longer complete this activity. If you're looking for more help, check out our on-going best Warzone weapons page and the Vanguard Royale meta.
Warzone phone locations: Where to answer phones in Warzone's Ghosts of Verdansk event
The task to answer 3 phones in the Ghosts of Verdansk playlist is a challenge from The Haunting event in Warzone.
This is a rather straightforward task compared to others on the list. All you have to do is located a total of three phones and answer them as they're ringing.
At a glance, the phone locations are as follows:
While visiting three different places in the map may sound like a chore, you can just camp in place after picking up a call and wait for the phone to ring again. This will count towards the challenge, so if you're not in a hurry, it makes for a great strategy to knock this quickly.
Now, let's get to the locations. The first phone we found is located in Promenade East. Specifically, inside one of the small houses that are on the east side of the area where there's a four street intersection.
The second is inside the Train Station. From the Sacred Ground point in the map, head inside the room that is slightly southwest of the spot. In there you'll find another phone.
The third is in the main counter of the Hospital. All you have to do is enter through the front door and you'll immediately spot it on the desk to your right.
The fourth is inside a trailer in the Airport. From the Sacred Ground point in the mal, head southeast until you bump into the "L" shaped structure that comes from the airport on the map - the phone is inside that trailer.
The fifth is inside the TV Station. In particular, towards the centre where there are office cubicles - the phone is on the desk of a cubicle in the middle.
Those are all the phones we have encountered - remember, you only need to activate them three time, so if you want to camp in one spot and just wait for the next call, you can do so freely.