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Watch Dogs - Human Traffic Investigations, Revoking Client Privileges, Out of Business

A quick guide to completing all ten Human Traffic Investigations, completing the bonus mission, and unlocking Revoking Client Privileges.

Watch Dogs' Human Traffic Investigations take in a huge amount of the city, and you'll have to pay a visit to every district, often back-tracking on yourself as you go. For this reason, we recommend unlocking all of the ctOS Towers before starting off on the trail, so you can make full use of the handy fast-travel system.

Every one of these investigations begins with a Buyer being marked on your map. Once you've tracked them down, you'll then need to hack their mobile phone and retrieve a briefcase. As soon as you've finished the 10th and final investigation, you'll be able to participate in a special bonus mission.

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Watch Dogs - Human Traffic Investigations

Human Traffic Investigation - 1

Contact: Darius Peaston

Darius can be found at the north-east section of Mad Mile district. He'll be chatting on his mobile phone by some concrete planters. Hack into his phone to uncover the location of the briefcase.

Briefcase: Parker Square

Make your way to the eastern section of Parker Square, just north of the stadium. Here you'll be able to hack into an intrusion box to scan the briefcase.

Human Traffic Investigation - 2

Contact: Carl Breenwood

Carl can be found near the ctOS centre in Mad Mile district. He's laying into an employee - hack into his phone to get the next briefcase location.

Briefcase: Brandon Docks

You'll find this briefcase on the northern Brandon Docks island. Interact with the intrusion box, then scan to finish up the second investigation.

Human Traffic Investigation - 3

Contact: Joshua Kramer

Make your way to the most northern island in Brandon Docks. Now go to the southern shore of this island to find Joshua by the Boat Yard Storage.

Briefcase: The Loop

After eavesdropping on Mr Kramer, make your way to The Loop district, then hack the intrusion box at the southern end.

Human Traffic Investigation - 4

Contact: Adolpho C. Peccorino

You'll find this chap at the side of the Ocean Tower pool. Head to the north-west section of The Loop to find it.

Briefcase: The Wards

The next briefcase can be found east of Iraq's compound in The Wards. Scan it in, then get ready for the next investigation.

Human Traffic Investigation - 5

Contact: Francis T. Barrthes

Head back to Iraq's compound, and look for Francis in the north-west section. He's chatting in the middle of a construction area.

Briefcase: Mad Mile

Make your way to the northern-most part of Mad Mile until you're by Molar's Grill. Hack the box here, then scan the case.

Human Traffic Investigation - 6

Contact: Martin Graften

Martin can be found on the western island of The loop. Look for him in the plaza just south of the station.

Briefcase: Mad Mile

You'll find the next intrusion box on the eastern side of Mad Mile. To get there, use the fast-travel option and then head just west from your drop-off.

Human Traffic Investigation - 7

Contact: David R. Treaklesen

Head to the east section of Brandon Docks, and look for David chatting on his mobile by the water.

Briefcase: The Loop

You'll find this briefcase on the island that lies right between The Loop and Parker Square districts. Hack the nearby intrusion box and then scan the case to finish the seventh investigation.

Human Traffic Investigation - 8

Contact: Paul Benedict Henfield

Paul can be found just to the south-east of the stadium in Parker Square. Head to the docks north of the chess mini-game.

Briefcase: Parker Square

Head to your original hideout at the Owl Motel - the briefcase is just to the rear of the building.

Human Traffic Investigation - 9

Contact: Anton Chenkov

This contact can be found at the Botanical Gardens in Parker Square. Hack his chat to get the location of the next briefcase.

Briefcase: The Wards

Go to the north-east section of The Wards, then look for the intrusion box outside a row of flats. Once you've scanned it you'll be ready to tackle the final investigation.

Human Traffic Investigation - 10

Contact: Gregory Foydalem

Gregory can be found in the Pawnee graveyard. Hack his conversation for the location of the briefcase.

Briefcase: Brandon Docks

This final briefcase is located inside the Tidis Warehouse Lockup. Once you've scanned it, you'll be able to start the bonus mission.

Demarked Man

Make your way to Joseph Demarco's home, then hack the intrusion box when you arrive. Complete the hacking mini-game, then make your way inside the building and hack the policeman's phone. Once you've done so, you'll be ready to start tracking down Joseph himself.

Out of Business

Jump into a nearby car, but make sure it's a relatively sturdy one as you'll be taking a few bumps throughout this mission. Next, open your map and create a waypoint that lies along Demarco's future route. Whatever you do, don't drive straight alongside his convoy to get ahead of the pack - if you do, you'll spook Demarco and have to start again.

Look for a suitable intersection, then park your car slap bang in the middle of it. Now litter the road with a handful of IEDs. As soon as the convoy gets close to the IEDs, set off one of them to trigger the whole lot. This will very likely kill Demarco and all of his friends. If your target survives, grab an Assault Rifle and shoot out his tires before killing him. If he still manages to get away, get back in your car and hunt him down - don't forget to make use of environmental traps to slow him down.

Once you've killed Demarco you'll need to lose the cops quickly. We recommend heading to the nearest train station and escaping on a train. However you choose to escape the authorities, doing so will unlock the Revoking Client Privileges achievement or trophy.

You can find the rest of our Watch Dogs guide from the index page of this article.