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Watch: Eurogamer plays Vermintide

Left 4 Dead meets Warhammer.

There were a bunch of interesting games tucked away in the Rezzed area at this year's EGX, but one I really wanted to play was Vermintide (Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide, to give its full name). Now I run the risk of gaining a reputation for only talking about games involving Warhammer, but if it helps, this one isn't part of the strategy genre!

Instead, here's a cooperative first-person shooter/stabber, heavily inspired by the excellent Left 4 Dead series. The infected have been replaced by Warhammer's Skaven and that was always going to be a good starting point. Fending off giant rat people with swords, axes, arrows and basic powder weaponry has a lot of potential and we enjoyed what we played of the demo. One to keep an eye on, hopefully, with a release date planned at the end of next month.

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