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Watch: Johnny makes the Sandvich from Team Fortress 2

Meat the heavy.

I've been watching quite a bit of Nigel Slater's Dish of the Day recently, it's very soothing - even if the idea of him bursting into my kitchen and making a meal out of whatever's lying around is mildly alarming. One thing I really admire about Mr Slater is his unapologetic obsession with sandwiches; I love a good sandwich as much as the next person, but Nigel Slater bloody loves them. I wish I loved anything as much as Nigel Slater loves slapping a few ingredients between two pieces of bread.

Inspired by this enthusiasm for the humble butty, I set out this week to make the Sandvich from Team Fortress 2 - bread and all. It's been ages since I last made bread, but thankfully it turned out fairly well. You can see how I got on with making the heavy's favourite consumable item in the video below. The recipe is below that, if you fancy giving it a go for yourself.


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Team Fortress 2 Sandvich Ingredients

500g strong white flour

2 teaspoons salt

300ml lukewarm water

7g dried fast-action yeast

3 tablespoons olive oil

A few slices of german salami

A few slices of ham, bologna or other sandwich meat

A slice of Edam

Some lettuce

A tomato

Two olives, preferably on cocktail sticks

Condiments, if they're your thing


Combine the flour, salt and yeast in a bowl. Make a well in the centre, add the oil and water, then mix to form a dough. Add a little more water if the dough is too stiff.

Knead the dough for at least ten minutes, then place in a lightly oiled bowl, cover with clingfilm and leave to prove for an hour.

Push the air out of the dough, then place it in a 900g loaf tin. Cover with a clean tea towel and leave for half an hour.

Bake the loaf in the oven at 220 degrees C (gas mark 7) for 15 minutes, then lower the temperature to 190 degrees C (gas mark 5) and bake for another half hour.

Allow the loaf to cool, then slice.

Assemble the sandwich. Eat the sandwich.

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