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Watch: The Division banter comparison - E3 vs real life

Also, Aoife shoots some dogs.

Remember when The Division's closed beta was running last week? That was a fun time, wasn't it? It was just like the E3 demo, when a lovely team of Definitely Not Professional Actors worked as a team to share tactics and score some great loot.

Or was it? Ian got a sneaking suspicion we might not have been as dynamic as the official demo's players, so he decided to mix our footage in with theirs and see how it compares. See if you can tell the difference.

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Aoife's time with The Division, meanwhile, took an entirely more sinister route. Using the post-apocalypse as an excuse to act like a complete jerk, she quickly came to the realisation that she is, in fact, a horrible person. Watch the video below to find out how, with nothing more than a high powered rifle, any dog can be like Old Yeller.

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