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Watch us play Lost Planet 3

Akrid and play.

Ah, Lost Planet 3. I don't think anyone ever expected great things from Capcom's game, but having played it a couple of times I developed a soft spot for it - and not just because everyone told me I look like lead character Jim Peyton. The shoddy combat and ropey execution was always a given seeing that Spark Unlimited were involved, but the sense of drama and of place always surprised me. A shame that gives way not long into the campaign, as Craig relayed in his review earlier this week, to make this nothing more than a generic shooter.

Oh well. If you'd like a peek at what you're missing out on - or aren't missing out on, as the case may be - then come here at 5pm BST when Ian Higton will be playing through the opening hour or so of the campaign. It's the good bit, from what I understand, so if you're going to watch any of it it may as well be this.

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