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Wii gets GameSpy

Multiplayer Wi-Fi technology.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Nintendo has confirmed that Wi-Fi multiplayer on Wii will be powered by GameSpy, which will provide publishers with fancy new technology to integrate community features - like friend lists, advanced matchmaking capabilities, and leaderboards - into games.

The first of these will be recently announced pocket-monster fighter, Pokemon Battle Revolution, which is due for release on 25th June.

It'll all be pretty similar for those of you who regularly indulge in DS wireless skirmishes, which already uses GameSpy know-how to support its thriving multiplayer community.

"This partnership will expand our wireless community of players on Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection," boasted Reggie Fils-Aime, boss of Nintendo America. "Millions of Nintendo DS users have already logged on using GameSpy's technology, and now Wii owners will be able to do the same in a fun and easy-to-use environment."

GameSpy started life as QSpy in 1996, a piece of software that allowed PC users to easily search the Internet for multiplayer Quake games. From this grew GameSpy and then GameSpy Arcade, the company's flagship matchmaking software.

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