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WipEout HD and WipEout HD Fury content confirmed for WipEout 2048

Out tomorrow.

WipEout HD and WipEout HD Fury content launches for WipEout 2048 tomorrow, 20th June, Sony has announced.

Those who already own the packs for PlayStation3 will be able to download PS Vita versions free as part of Sony's Cross-Buy feature. Players who buy the content for PS Vita will also be entitled to play on PS3 for free.

You can download WipEout HD to your PS Vita in the form of WipEout 2048 - WipEout HD Game Pack for £6.49. This includes 12 new tracks (including eight reverse tracks) and 12 new ships.

Also available is WipEout 2048 - WipEout HD Fury Game Pack, which includes an additional 12 tracks and 24 ships, for £6.49.

Alternatively, the WipEout 2048 Complete Game Pack - £9.99 - includes all of this content, the original PS3 version of WipEout HD plus the WipEout Fury expansion pack "re-imagined" for PS Vita. That's 24 tracks, 24 ships and four zone tracks.

Buy this content for Vita and you can play on PS3 for free by heading to your PlayStation Store Download List, where it will be waiting for you. Vice versa, the WipEout 2048 Complete Pack on PS Vita is free to anyone who has bought from the PS Store and already owns WipEout HD and WipEout HD Fury for PS3.

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