Team 17 goes back to the drawing board after Forts Under Siege and discovers a perfectly workable blueprint rather hastily discarded in the first place...
The exclusives, the ports and the multiformat titles to keep an eye on. Come back soon for more 2005 previews. In fact, you might as well stay here. We've got biscuits.
We already go to the gym, and last year we lost more weight than the entire congregation of the Church of Atkins, but if any developers are looking for some possible resolutions, here's a few they might consider trying on...
Solid retail reports from both sides of the Atlantic suggest that Doom III Xbox will launch in March, and that a special collector's edition will include ports of Ultimate Doom and Doom II.
The next ten games in our countdown of Eurogamer's favourite games of 2004, with more commentary (and back-biting) from Kristan, Tom, Rob, Kieron and Ronan.
We're getting closer to the biggest and bestest games of 2004, and it's safe to say that between them these ones could keep you going until next year's roundup.