Download the full movie of Bungie's behind-closed-doors presentation, and read how the developer took the wraps off the biggest online console game ever.
World Exclusive: The biggest independent publisher in the business has even bigger plans for the future - and there's no time to rest on his laurels for EA's CEO Larry Probst, who spoke exclusively to about his company's ambition.
Id Software CEO Todd Hollenshead confirms that the developer's next game will be new intellectual property for the company, and defends Doom 3's "summer" release date.
Xbox Live multiplayer now ranks players differently, penalising those who drop out of ranking games, as well as letting you know if they've done it before. Also includes various interface changes and bug fixes.
Just because the whole industry has sodded off to E3 doesn't mean there aren't stacks of great games out this Friday. Because there are. There's even one that'll be fun to play outside in this glorious sunshine...
Unjustified abuse of a once-proud name? Check. Daft and impossible story? Check. Reasonably competent FPS that could do well if it gets enough attention between now and the end of the year?
World Destruction Tour likely to kick off later this year, with a new team-based story mode, Jet Set Radio-inspired graffiti antics and the return of the good old goal-based single-player mode as a backup.
It looked spectacular at the arcade. It looks spectacular now. We go hands on with the Xbox version of OutRun2 and see how Sumo Digital plans to give the entire arcade racing genre a kick up the exhaust.
As predicted, Burnout 3, TimeSplitters Future Perfect, Battlefield: Modern Combat, GoldenEye, FIFA and Tiger Woods will all go 'Live' in the near future, with plenty of other titles following suit.