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"You'll see more and more game developers" at Oculus

Brand new "Crystal Cove" prototype unveiled.

Virtual reality headset Oculus Rift has improved again, and now id Software legend John Carmark is fully on board, demonstration games for the headset are being made in-house.

"He's working on a lot of exciting tech, but his heart and soul and history certainly lies in the game-development side," Oculus CEO Brendan Iribe said of John Carmack, talking to Engadget at the annual Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this week.

Just as id Software showcased the id Tech engine with the Quake games, so Oculus VR will showcase Oculus Rift with bespoke games.

"... you gotta eat your own dog food here, and develop internal content also," said Iribe.

Despite his roots in the Oculus Rift project, Carmack's full-time hire by Oculus VR was a shock, not least because it meant him leaving the company he co-founded, id Software.

But he won't be the only game developer popping up at golden-child Oculus VR, which secured a whopping $75m funding in December.

"You'll see, over the next six to 12 months ... more and more game developers showing up," said Iribe.

Oculus Rift, the Crystal Cove prototype, at CES, image courtesy of Endgadget.

Oculus VR was at CES showing off the latest Oculus Rift prototype headset, dubbed Crystal Cove, which almost eradicates motion blur, tracks positional depth with an external camera and packs a sharper, more responsive OLED screen.

Engadget tried the new prototype and was very impressed, concluding that, "If 2013 was the year of proof-of-concept for Oculus Rift and modern virtual reality, 2014 seems poised to be the year when it comes into its own."

Do note, however, that Crystal Cove is still a prototype and not indicative of features that will be in the consumer version of Oculus Rift, due this year.

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