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Zelda Echoes of Wisdom Eldin Temple walkthrough

How to complete the Eldin Temple.

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple entrance
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Eldin Temple in Zelda Echoes of Wisdom is situated inside the Stilled Eldin Volcano and is part of the Rift on Eldin Volcano main story quest.

This Zelda Echoes of Wisdom temple will put your timing skills to the test as you're going to need to use that to avoid getting swallowed by lava in a few rooms. Also, we highly advice making some smoothie recipes to recover hearts - you never know when you'll need a boost.

When you're ready, here's our Zelda Echoes of Wisdom Eldin Temple walkthrough.

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If you're looking for more help, check out our Zelda Echoes of Wisdom walkthrough hub.

Zelda Echoes of Wisdom Eldin Temple walkthrough

Enter Eldin Temple and activate the Waypoint in the upper right-hand corner of the room. If you need to restore any hearts after your journey here, give Zelda a little dip in the pool of water in the upper left-hand corner of the room.

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple entrance room
Have a nice relaxing and resorative bath here if you need it. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Once you're ready, move forward through the door in the middle of the rear wall and this will bring you out to a room where you can play the floor is lava. No, we're not kidding, parts of the floor are literally lava so try not to touch these - you really don't want to toast the princess of Hyrule.

Anyway, there are a few flying enemies in this room - use Echoes to take them out and then head through the door in the upper right-hand corner.

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple first room northern door
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

In here, follow the path around to the right and deal with the enemies here (we found Swordfighter Form to be the quickest way to do this). Once you've defeated them you should notice a few cracked cubes dotted around the room.

Destroy the one in the upper right-hand corner of the room to reveal a chest. Use 'Bind' to pull it free of the sand and then open it to collect eight Twisted Pumpkins.

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple chest one location
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Head back into the room with partial-lava floors and head through the door on the right-hand side.

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple first room right door
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

The floor is mostly made of molten lava here too. To safely get across to the other side use 'Bind' to grab onto the rock platform near the doorway and move it south to sit on top of the eruption spot that's closest to you.

Then, jump up onto the platform when it's at ground level and ride it as far as it can go, then hop off down to the L shaped platform to the right.

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple riding lava platform one
Hot, hot, hot! | Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

From here, use 'Bind' to move the stone platform onto the next eruption spot to the right, this is the one that goes much higher than the first one. Again, wait for the platform to be at ground level then jump over to it and ride it as high as you can.

When it's in view, jump off to the raised area to the north and head through the doorway here.

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple riding lava platform two to door
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

In the next room head to the steam vents on your left, then use an Echo like Ghirro to glide up using the vents and then across to the platform to the far left. Then continue to use this Echo to ride the vents across the room to the chest in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Open this chest to obtain a Small Key.

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple steam puzzle room
zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple chest two location
Cast me in the new Mission Impossible films, look at this! | Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Now head back to the main room with the small lava sections on the floor and head to the left side of it where the locked door is. Interact with it to open it using the Small Key you just collected.

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple first room locked door
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

How to find the Eldin Temple Dungeon Map in Zelda Echoes of Wisdom

Go through the door now and you'll be in another room where the floor is almost completely made of lava. Now this room is challenging as the lava will drain for a moment to reveal the rest of the room and then will suddenly fill back up again.

The safest places to stand are the platforms that you can see when the lava has filled the room. Make a note of these as you need to know them when you head across the room - otherwise Zelda will become lava soup.

First things first, head to the platform in the lower left-hand corner of the room and you'll find a chest half buried in the ground just beneath it when the lava drains. Use 'Bind' to free the chest and bring it up to your level or you can time running down there to open the chest up once you've freed it. Open this chest to collect a Golden Egg.

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple chest three location
You know, Zelda, standing where the lava is going to go isn't a good idea... | Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Then, when the lava drains, head north to the upper left-hand corner of the room and stand on the highest stone platform here and wait here for the lava to fill the room up again.

At this point you should notice that the door to the next area in the upper right-hand corner of the room is gated off. To open this you need to use Echoes to defeat the Tweelus enemies that appear when the lava drains.

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple first lava room exit
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Once you've defeated the enemies, the gate will open and you can use Echoes to make a bridge across to it. Then, when you're ready, head through this door into the next area.

Here, head to the right and use Lava Rock Echoes to ride the eruptions here to get across to the next solid platform.

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple riding lava rock over to climbable wall
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

From this platform continue to head right and down the climbable wall here. Hold on tightly and climb carefully along to the right as there are no platforms beneath you to catch you if you fall.

At the end of the climbable wall you'll find another eruption - again, while holding onto the wall, use a Lava Rock Echo to ride the eruption as high as it will go and to the safety of the next solid platform on the right. At the top of the eruption we had to use a Bed Echo to bridge the gap, but you need to be fast about this or the lava will destroy the bed when the platform lowers.

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple riding lava platform up to higher area
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

In the next room head straight across to the right and up the climbable wall here, however you need to time your climb so that you avoid the heat being pushed through the cracks here. Wait for all of them to disappear and then swiftly scale the wall, then climb off to the platform with the ladder on it on your left.

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple climbing wall with heat spews
Remember to mind the heat, we don't really want to set Zelda ablaze. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

On this platform continue heading left until you reach a ladder that's being covered by more steam being pushed out of cracks. Here, we stacked Boulder Echoes on top of each other to block the heat coming through.

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple chest four location
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Climb up this ladder when it's safe to do so and open the chest on your right to collect the Eldin Temple Map!

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple dungeon map
Chests - be afraid, I know where you are now! | Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

How to get the Bombs of Might in Zelda Echoes of Wisdom

From here climb back down the ladder, across to the right and up the shorter ladder here. From here, head to the right and back down the climbable wall (again be careful not to get caught in the heat).

At the bottom of the wall head to the left and down the short ladder here. Now, head to the right and use a Boulder Echo to stop the heat being pushed through the crack here so you can pass it safely.

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple zelda jumping over boulder blocking heat
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Then, continue to the right and down the ladder into the next area. This is another area that's tricky as it's got lava that rises and falls continuously revealing and hiding parts of the room. Your task is to find a way to cross it safely.

Now, wait by the bottom of the ladder and when the lava falls head to the left and drop down to the next platform. Quickly place an Echo here to have a quick escape back to safety when you need it (and trust us, you will need it.)

Look to the far left side of this space and you'll see a device here like the ones you encountered in Jabul Ruins Dungeon. Your task, once more, is to turn the device from blue to orange. We did this by standing by our quick escape (which is a Strandtula) and we used a Flying Tile Echo to send across to hit the device.

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple blue device location
I could try to run over there... but who really has time for that? | Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Once the device is orange, quickly scale your Echo back to the safe spot at the bottom of the ladder to avoid the lava.

From here, head to the right of the platform and you'll see that there are climbable walls here that are partially covered when the lava rises.

When the lava falls, drop down to the lower platform on your right and use an Echo to get across the gap here and swiftly climb up the next climbable wall here before the lava rises (also be mindful of the enemy here).

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple climbable wall to fifth chest
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

At the top of this wall hop off onto the platform to the right and follow the path here to reach the chest. Open this chest to collect another Small Key.

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple chest five location collecting small key
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Now, head back to the room you came from with the heat being spewed from cracks in the wall and make your way back to the top level of this room where the chest was. From here, head up the ladder on the right into the next area.

In this room you'll find a Waypoint, some jars and a locked door. Activate the Waypoint before doing anything else, then interact with the locked door here to open it with the Small Key you just collected. You can smash the jars here for some Floral Nectar too.

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple locked door room with waypoint
Sorry jars but we need the Nectar. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Oh look who's back again, doesn't this imposter ever take a hint? He's got a bomb? Great.

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple false link with bomb
You again? | Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Yes you're in another face-off with this evil Link-a-like, and this time he's got bombs but this is quite useful as the room itself is filled with breakable cubes. Your job is to attack this Link without getting hit by the bombs, to do this enter Swordfighter form and make your way to wherever Link is standing and attack them with your Sword.

After you've hit him enough times he'll teleport to another part of the room but just keep hitting him. At one point during the fight he'll reveal a new skill, which turns him into a bird that can spit out explosives - perfect.

Just like with the bombs earlier you need to avoid being hit by these birds while you position yourself to attack Link. Just rinse and repeat to eventually defeat him (for now). You can now collect the Bombs of Might. This allows you to throw bombs by pressing 'A' in Swordfighter form.

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple bomb of might
Nice. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

How to get the Eldin Temple Big Key in Zelda Echoes of Wisdom

Now head through the door in the upper right-hand corner of the screen and, in the area this brings you to, head to the left. You should be able to see a goo wall here. Use Echoes to cross the gap here and then attack the wall in Swordfighter form to remove it.

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple bed bridge to goo wall
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Once that's gone, continue following the path to the left, there's a Tweelus here that you can fight or ignore - that's up to you. At the end of the path is a ladder, climb up this and then up the small ladder that's instantly on your left. (Yes, ignore the lock for now).

At the top of this ladder enter Swordfighter form and head to the right and use Bombs of Might to destroy the Goo Wall here and the breakable cubes beneath it. This will reveal a chest - open this to collect a Small Key.

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple throwing bombs at goo wall
Exploding things in a confined space, of course nothing could go wrong. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Now, head back up the small ladder on your left and follow the path here to the right. Go up the ladder here and you'll find more breakable cubes sitting on a platform that blocks your path - destroy them however you'd like to.

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple zelda blasting cracked blocks with bombfish
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Then, continue following the path here along to the right and up the very tall ladder here. This will bring you out into a room with more breakable cubes and a Tweelus. Deal with them using an Echo (we used Bombfish).

Once the Tweelus has been dealt with use explosive Echoes or Bombs of Might to destroy the cubes in the upper left-hand corner of the room to reveal a chest. Open this chest to collect 100 Rupees - nice!

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple chest seven location
I am RICH. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Now, if you've not done so already, destroy the cubes in the upper right-hand corner of the room to reveal a doorway.

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple door out of chest seven area
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Go through here and you'll now be locked in a room with a Fire Wizzrobe - defeat them to reveal the chest in this room. Open it to collect another Small Key - so you should now have two Small Keys.

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple zelda facing a fire wizzrobe for chest eight
Snazzy robe but you're sort of in my way. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Head back out of the room and towards the locked section by the ladder we ignored earlier. Interact with it to use one Small Key to open it and head down the ladder that's revealed on the left.

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple lock to big key chest area
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

This will bring you out into a small room, there's not much to do in here so head down the ladder in the sunken part of the floor on the left.

Your job in this area is to make it down to the lower level to reach the chest here - the easiest way to do this is to fight your way through using Echoes to defeat the enemies blocking your path down and heading down the climbable walls where needed.

To start your path, head to the right and down then head to the left - keep following the path that's laid out to you until you come down to a very long climbable wall suspended above lava.

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple climbable wall down to big key chest
Daaa dun dun dun dun dun dun doo dee doo, doo dee doo, doo dee doo, doo doo. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Climb along this carefully and drop down to where the chest is - open it to collect the Big Key.

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple big chest location
zelda echoes of wisdom collecting eldin temple big key
Ta-Da! | Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Get ready to move fast, as soon as you collect the Big Key the lava levels will begin to rise and you need to race back up to where you came from. However the very last ladder will break!

When this happens, use a Ghirro Echo to glide across to the left side of the room and there will be climbable walls here. Scale these to the platform with the ladder on it and quickly run up the ladder to safety.

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple big chest room escape route
Run run run run run run! | Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

When you're back in the small room above make sure you're not standing in the sunken part of the floor as the lava will fill this too. Once you're safe, head back through the doorway here.

At the top of this ladder head up the small one on your right and, if you've not already done so, use explosive Echoes or Bombs of Might to destroy the breakable cubes to your left and use the ladder here. Alternatively, look up and you should see a small gap in the rocks here - use an Echo to rise through this crack and onto the top platform (we used a Strandtula.)

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple using strandtula string
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

To your left you'll find another lock, walk up to it and interact with it to use your final Small Key to open it. Now, head up the ladder here.

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple lock to ladder to big door room
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

This brings you out into another room where you need to find a way to safely navigate the lava. At the start of this room there are a few jars in the bottom left-hand corner, you can smash these to collect a Heart and some Floral Nectar.

Now it's time to get across the lava without toasting Zelda. To do this, use a gliding Echo like Ghirro to ride the steam vent at the top of the platform you're on and glide across to the next vent to the north.

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple steam path part one
Uh... | Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

From here, continue to use the Echo to glide to the vent on the right here and across to the safety of the solid platform on the right side of the room. There's a Jar on this platform, smash it to collect a Fairy! (If you have a Fairy Bottle it will jump right into it)

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple steam path part two
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Next, look to your left and you'll see some eruptions happening here. Use a Lava Rock Echo to ride the eruption up as high as you can go and then hop off of it onto the platform on the left.

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple riding lava rock echo to second steam path area
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

You're now in the next section of the room and you should see some more steam vents here. As you did earlier, use a gliding Echo like Ghirro to ride the steam up and across to the next vent that's slightly to the right.

From this vent, continue gliding to the next one on the left (be careful, there are enemies here waiting to spit at you). Once you're at this steam vent you should see two next to each other just north of you. Glide over to these.

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple steam path part three
We got this! | Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

From the dual-vents you need to time your glide across to the final platform on the north. Wait for the eruptions to lower or for there to be a gap between them you can glide through.

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple zelda gliding through lava eruptions to big door
Phew. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Once you're on the safety of this final solid platform activate the Waypoint on your right. You can smash the jars here for a Heart if you want to - if not then interact with the Big Door here to use the Big Key to open it.

Head inside here to face the Eldin Temple Boss Volvagia. We've got an entirely separate guide showing you how to beat Volvagia if you need a helping hand.

zelda echoes of wisdom eldin temple volvagia
Uhm... hi? | Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Once you've beaten Volvagia you'll have completed the Eldin Temple, congratulations!

That's all for now! If you're looking for more content and some handy tips for your adventure, check out our Zelda Echoes of Wisdom walkthrough hub.

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