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Zelda Echoes of Wisdom Hyrule Castle Dungeon walkthrough

How to complete Hyrule Castle Dungeon.

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

You'll enter the Hyrule Castle Dungeon in Zelda Echoes of Wisdom as part of the Still Missing main story quest that takes you back to your home - although it doesn't quite look like how you remember it.

This dungeon in Zelda Echoes of Wisdom will put everything you've learned in previous dungeons, such as Jabul Ruins and Gerudo Sanctum, to the test. There are plenty of enemies that will try to stand between you and your goal - so we recommend making some smoothie recipes to take in with you for any extra boosts you need.

Without further ado, here's our Zelda Echoes of Wisdom Hyrule Castle Dungeon walkthrough.

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If you're looking for more help, check out our Zelda Echoes of Wisdom walkthrough hub.

How to reach Hyrule Castle Dungeon in Zelda Echoes of Wisdom

After you enter the portal Tri makes in the rift you'll be in stilled Hyrule Castle Town.

The portal itself will bring you out into a small room, head through the door here and into a larger room with some beds in it, ignore everything in here and head to the door to the south.

zelda echoes of wisdom path to hyrule castle dungeon bed room exit
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Once you go through this door you'll be outdoors again, but don't worry as this is where you're meant to be. Here, follow the path south and then to right, using Echoes and Swordfighter Form to deal with any enemies you encounter along the way.

Eventually you'll come to a small building with two archways at the front of it, continue past this and head through the gap between the box and the wall to the right of this building.

zelda echoes of wisdom path to hyrule castle dungeon path past dual door building
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Continue heading north past the small buildings here and onto the broken path in front of you. Follow this path forwards and around to the left, you'll then be walking on some tilted castle walls.

zelda echoes of wisdom path to hyrule castle dungeon past houses path
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Here, continue to follow the path - it will seem like there isn't one but walk on the tilted tower of the castle here and up to the tip of its spire on the left. This is the path.

zelda echoes of wisdom path to hyrule castle dungeon up spire path
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Hop off here and continue to follow the path north past the fountain. When you hit the water just past the fountain you should see that there's a chest in the grass on your right.

zelda echoes of wisdom path to hyrule castle dungeon chest in grass location
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

When you climb up here an enemy will appear and you should also find there's a Waypoint here too. Activate this and then use 'Bind' to pull the chest out of the grass. Open it to collect seven portions of Radiant Butter.

Now, go back to the water and continue to follow it north until you swim up it and come to another platform area. Get off the waterfall to the right.

zelda echoes of wisdom path to hyrule castle dungeon exiting first upright waterfall
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Follow the path here to the right and down to collect some Rupees.

zelda echoes of wisdom path to hyrule castle dungeon rupees
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

From here you'll need to use Echoes to get back to the higher area on your left, we used Water Block Echoes stacked on top of each other for this.

When you're back up here, swim into the water wall to the north and then swim up it to reach the top of the area again. Here, exit to the left and follow the path into the large bodies of water here.

zelda echoes of wisdom path to hyrule castle dungeon water blocks
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Jump into these and follow the path they lay out to the left then to the north. This will bring you to the start of Hyrule Castle Dungeon.

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon entrance
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Zelda Echoes of Wisdom Hyrule Castle Dungeon walkthrough

In the first room of Hyrule Castle Dungeon you'll find a Waypoint to your right - quickly activate this before moving on. Now, continue following the red carpet forwards and up the stairs in this room then through the door here.

This will lead you out into another long corridor - continue to follow the carpet until you run into a Darknut Lv.2. Use Echoes and Swordfighter Form to defeat them, collect their Echo and then continue to follow the carpet through the next door.

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon first dark nut level two encounter

You'll now be in the throne room of Hyrule Castle and, uh, Zelda's father has seen better days. Right now you need to keep pressing forwards though, so head towards the throne and then use 'Bind' to move it aside to reveal a ladder.

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon ladder beneath throne
Sorry your majesty, we've got some things to do first. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Head down the ladder and follow the path to the left until you reach another ladder. Climb down this one and it will lead you out to a small room. First things first, activate the Waypoint in here.

Then, head to the upper right-hand corner of the room and use 'Bind' to pull the wall open here - head through the gap this creates.

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon secret wall room
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

You'll now be behind a bookshelf in a large room with a couple of enemies in it. We recommend using stealth and staying hidden behind the bookshelves to get through this area - just like you did at the very beginning of the game.

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon sneaking past guards in library
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Now, it might take a few attempts to get across and if you get caught then don't stress too much. If you get caught you'll be thrown into a room with a few enemies in it, all you need to do is use Swordfighter Form to defeat them and a portal will appear that you can hop through. It will drop you back to the most recent checkpoint you've passed in the room.

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon getting caught by guards penalty room
This is the penalty for getting caught. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

You need to make your way to the right across the entire room and through the door here into the next area.

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon library exit
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

In the next room follow the path to the right and down, it will bring you out to a small area where it seems like there's nowhere left to go. However, place a Trampoline Echo on the small bench against the wall on the right and jump on it to easily vault over the wall.

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon using trampoline to vault over wall
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

You'll run into Impa now, but again we can't do anything for her now so it's best to keep going. From here, follow Tri and read the book they indicate - you can read it entirely or stop reading it after one page, the choice is yours.

Now, head north out of the room and follow the path around to the right where you'll come to another Waypoint near a ladder. Activate this Waypoint then head down the ladder.

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon prison cell ladder through floor by waypoint
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

At the bottom of the ladder smash the Jars on your right for some Refreshing Grapes and a heart. Then, head to the left and you'll come to an area with another Dark Nut Lv.2 in it and some ladders leading down - the door will lock behind you.

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon dark nut enemy area with ladders
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

You need to defeat the Dark Nut Lv. 2 now, so enter Swordfighter Form and use any Echoes you'd like to use here - we threw Bombfish at them and that defeated them quite quickly. Collect the Rupees they drop and then head down the ladder here.

At the bottom of this ladder look right and you'll find another Dark Nut Lv.2 enemy, defeat them again and then head down the ladders here to the lower level. One more enemy awaits, you know what to do.

When you've defeated that last enemy follow the path to the left until you can't get any further and climb up the ladder here. Follow the path into the next room.

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon dark nut ladder area exit
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

At the top of the ladder continue heading left. Continue to follow the path to the left here and over the small platform here, use Swordfighter Form and Echoes to deal with enemies in your way. When you drop off the small platform there should be a long ladder on the left that leads down. Climb down here.

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon path down ladder
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

At the bottom of this ladder head to the left and drop down onto the lower platform here. There's a chest on this platform, open it to collect a Monster Stone.

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon ladder area single chest location
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Head back up the small ladder to the right here and then, on this platform, continue to head to the right. You'll come to another ladder that leads downwards - climb down this and you'll find two chests. Deal with the enemy here before trying to open them, it will be much easier if you do.

Open the chests to collect three Twisted Pumpkins and five jars of Floral Nectar.

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon ladder area dual chests location
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Head down the ladder to the right of the chests and head to the left when you reach the bottom. You'll then find yet another ladder (this word has lost all meaning now) leading down - yes, climb down this one as well.

This finally brings you to a new area away from the ladder-loving room.

How to get the Hyrule Castle Dungeon Map in Zelda Echoes of Wisdom

In this area, head to the right slightly and you'll find a torch that's tucked behind a wall - Tri will point it out as well.

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon first torch behind wall
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Light this by echoing from a distance - send an Ignizol at it then head to the right side of the room once it's lit. Here, you'll see another torch hidden behind a wall, only this time it's slightly trickier to reach.

To light this torch, throw Ignizol onto the smaller square platform in the bottom right-hand corner of the room. Then, use 'Bind' to hold onto them and, while you're holding onto Ignizol, walk up the nearby ladder.

This will leave you at the top of a tall platform, and you should now be able to move Ignizol so that they're directly above the torch behind the wall. When you think they're in position, drop them and they'll light the torch.

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon using bind to light torch behind wall
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Now, light the torch of the platform you're on and look to the one opposite you on the left. Light this one with Ignizol as well.

Once all four torches are lit the door between the two torches on the higher platforms will unlock. Head through here into the next area.

In this area you'll see a Gustmaster on a platform in the middle of the room, use 'Bind' to bring it over to a more solid platform and then use your Echoes to defeat it. Once defeated, collect its Echo.

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon moving gustmaster to collect echo
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Then, carry on following the path across this area and you'll come to a few more Gustmasters lining the route. You can use 'Bind' to grab onto them and drop them down the dark holes here - it gets rid of them quickly.

Once they've been dealt with continue the follow the path forwards and you'll come to a group of Ignizol. Again, use Echoes to defeat them or you can run right past them - the choice is yours.

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon ignizol group
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Either way, head through the door to the right of the Ignizols and this will bring you out into another room that's got a half-sand floor.

In here, place a Gustmaster Echo down on the plinth in the middle of the room and let it blow away all of the sand piles around it. This will reveal a chest half buried in the sand in the upper right-hand corner.

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon map chest location
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Use 'Bind' to pull this chest free and open it to collect the Hyrule Castle Dungeon Map!

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon map
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

From this room head back out to the area you found the Ignizol squad in and head north, if you've not dealt with them already then there will be some rift enemies here - again use Swordfighter Form and Echoes to deal with them.

Then, use Echoes to create a bridge you can walk across to the northernmost point of this room - a door will be here. Head through it and into the next room.

How to get the Big Key in Hyrule Castle Dungeon in Zelda Echoes of Wisdom

This is the room with the Big Door in it - but we're going to ignore that for now as we don't have the Big Key!

For now, head to the Waypoint on the left side of the space and activate it before moving on. Now, head through the door to the left of the Waypoint.

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon main room left door
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

It will bring you out into a room where most of the floor is water with a strong current in it. In here, yet more enemies await but you know what to do by now - Echoes and Swordfighter Form will help you take them down.

When you're ready, make your way across the water to the ladder on the platform in the middle of the water.

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon ladder down to water area
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Climb down this ladder and then dive down the body of water it brings you out to. Keep swimming down until you come to a coral you can attack to light up the area - light this up and then use 'Bind' to pull up the Bio Deku Baba hiding in the dark to the left.

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon underwater section first bio deku baba
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Once that's been dealt with, swim through the gap to the left and light up the coral in the corner here. From this coral, swim down and you'll find a chest - open it to collect 20 Rupees.

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon underwater section first chest location
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

From here, swim down and to the left - you'll come to more goo blocking your path. Enter Sworfighter form and attack the goo to clear it away.

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon underwater section goo walls
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Then keep swimming to the left and down until you hit another goo wall. Do as you did before then swim through the gap this reveals and down to light up the coral here.

From this coral, swim to the left and then look down when the gap appears with the Bio Deku Baba in it - pull this up using 'Bind' and then swim down the gap it reveals.

Zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon underwater section path to second chest
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Keep swimming down, following the path that's laid out and you'll come to a chest next to a light up coral. Light the coral and open the chest to collect 100 Rupees!

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon underwater section second chest location
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

From here swim back up to the light up coral and follow the path to your left - keep following the path here until you reach the surface of the water. Climb out of the water and climb up the ladder to your left.

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon underwater section exit
Finally, let's get out of here! | Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

This will bring you out to another room with guards patrolling it - wait for the guards to face away from where you are and then rush across to the first tall platform. Then, quickly use an Echo to get on top of it. Guards cannot see you up here.

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon guard room standing on top of first column
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

From here, face south then create a Pot Echo - lift it up and throw it off the platform while facing south. This should grab the attention of the guards.

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon distracting guards with jar
SMASH. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

While they're distracted, jump off the platform and race north then to the right - you'll come to a tall platform here, quickly use Echoes to climb on top of it.

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon guard room column to switch
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Now that you're here, you need to use Echoes again to make your way across to the nearby platform with a switch on it. Stand on this switch and a chest will appear in the middle of the room - but the guards are still patrolling!

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon guard room chest switch location
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

To get to this chest, head back the way you came until you're on the wall behind the chest then swiftly hop over the wall and open the chest to collect a Small Key. The guards should be facing in the opposite direction here so they won't catch you.

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon guard room chest location
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

When you've got the key, head back to the platform with the switch on it. From here look to the right and you'll be able to see the door to the next area - all you need to now is time it so that you can get across here without the guard patrolling below seeing you.

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon guard room exit
I. Am. Stealth. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Once you're through the door into the next area you'll see that you're actually back in the same one as earlier. From here, keep heading to the right until you go through a door that brings you back to the room with the big door in it. In here, continue to head across the room and through the door on the right side.

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon main room right door
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

This will bring you out to a room where most of the floor is sand - an enemy will appear out of the sand here when you get close so deal with them however you want to.

Walk onto the sand then head south at the two boulders here, this will bring you to a ladder. Climb down this ladder and use the Small Key on the door here. Walk through the door this opens.

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon small key locked door
In we go. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

You'll now be in an area with another Gustmaster - deal with them or ignore them - then continue to follow the path to the right until you reach another ladder.

Climb down this ladder and then look to the right, there's yet another Gustmaster here and this time you need to take this out to move forwards. Once you've taken this out, use Echoes to get across to the far right side of this room (we stood on a Flying Tile Echo).

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon zelda facing gustmaster near large gap
zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon exit after gust master gap
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

When you're on this side of the room climb up the ladder to your right. This will bring you to a small room - smash the Jars in here if you want to and then continue forwards through the door here. We recommend taking some time to rest here to restore Zelda's hearts if you need to.

Head through the door when ready and this will bring you out into a room with three rather strong enemies in it and all the doors will lock once you enter it (see why we said rest earlier?).

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon trio of enemies in one room
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Use Echoes and Swordfighter Form to deal with the enemies in here, but the biggest problem is the Ball-and-Chain Trooper (the gold one). Make sure you stay away from their Mace when they're spinning it, once they've thrown it out and it's stuck for a few seconds you can attack them while in Swordfighter Form. When defeated collect their Echo.

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon dodging ball and chain trooper attack
Oh you're stuck? It would be a shame if someone... attacked you... in Swordfighter form... | Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

When all the enemies are taken care of, head through the door to the north and this will bring you out into a room with three chests in it. Open the two red chests to collect a Golden Egg and a Frog Ring which helps Zelda jump higher.

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon big chest and two little chests
Frog Ring? Yep we'll have that! | Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Then, open the big purple chest to get the Hyrule Castle Dungeon Big Key!

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon collecting big key
TA-DA! | Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Now from here, head out the door you entered through then find the door in the lower left-hand corner of the room. Head through this and then you'll be back in the room with a sand floor in it.

Stand on the edge of the stone here and look at the wall to the north, you should be able to see a crack in it. You need to dsetroy this part of the wall - we used a Bombfish.

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon crack in wall for chest
The rest of the castle is broken so making another tiny hole won't hurt. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

When you've made a hole in the wall use Echoes to reach it (we used Water Blocks) and then climb through it to find a small area with a single chest in it. Open this chest to collect 50 Rupees. You can also smash the Jars in here for some Rupees and an Electro Apple.

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon hole in wall chest
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

From here, head back to the sand room and then continue heading to the left to end up back in the room with the Big Door in it.

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon big door
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

When you're ready, use the Big Key to open the Big Door and head through to take on this dungeon's boss - Ganon. However you should know that this isn't actually Ganon - it's a Ganon made from the same stuff Echoes are made from.

We've got a separate guide on how to beat this Ganon, so head there if you need some tips and tricks for taking them down.

zelda echoes of wisdom hyrule castle dungeon ganon
Bring it on! | Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Once you've taken down this Ganon you will have completed the Hyrule Castle Dungeon - well done!

That's all for now! If you're looking for more content and some handy tips for your adventure, check out our Zelda Echoes of Wisdom walkthrough hub. You will also need to decide whether you should complete the Eldin, Faron or Lanayru Temple first.

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