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December 1999 Archive

    1. Happy New Year!
    2. Counterstrike Beta 5 Released
    1. The Millenium For Gamers
    2. Thief II demo!
    3. Quake 3 news
    1. Games Of The Millenium
    1. 1999 For Gamers
    2. The Views
    1. Games Of The Year - 1999
    2. Games Of The Year 1999
    3. Edit Nocturne
    4. The Views
    1. Mail Call!
    1. Annihilator Pro review
    2. Creative Labs Annihilator Pro
    3. Christmas - Just Say No!
    4. The Views
    5. Eye Candy
    1. Slave Zero patch
    2. The Views
    3. Outcast Soundtrack
    1. Gabriel Knight 3 review
    2. New Tools
    3. CAPS
    4. Mig Alley strategy guide
    5. Eye Candy
    6. The Views
    1. Demolition Racer preview
    2. Diaspora Christmas patch
    3. Linux Quake 3
    4. Demolition Racer
    5. Railroad Tycoon 2 Gold Edition review
    1. Planescape Torment in the UK?
    2. Tiberian Sun demo
    3. The Views
    1. Quake 3 European master servers
    2. Two's Company
    3. OpFor Competition Results!
    4. Eye Candy
    1. Game Explorer
    2. Ear Candy
    1. Pharaoh review
    2. The Views
    1. Sid Meier hatches a raptor
    2. Give The DOG A Phone
    3. Ultimate Soccer Manager 2000
    4. SouthEnd Interactive interview
    5. SouthEnd Interactive
    6. OGA Reaches 500
    7. Simon At Southpeak
    8. MacQuake 3
    1. Quake 3 Pro-Gaming?
    2. Q3CTF Maps Released
    1. Frags Over The World
    2. Half-Life OpFor competition
    3. Quake 3 point release
    4. Quake 3 editing tools
    5. Y2K?
    6. Hired Team demo
    1. Paul Plastered In Oz
    2. Championship Manager : 99/00 review
    1. The OGA
    2. Antietam! released
    1. Mail Call!
    2. Interstate '82 Demo
    1. Quake 3 editor?
    2. Elsa Erazor III Pro Video review
    3. Elsa Erazor III Pro Video
    4. Mail Problems
    1. Third Law interview
    2. Third Law Interactive
    3. Beetle Crazy Cup shots
    1. Trickstyle review
    2. Frag Mag
    3. Unreal Tournament patch
    4. Quake 3 Point Release?
    5. OGA Launch A Success
    1. OGA Launches
    2. The Views
    1. Final Fantasy VIII Demo
    2. Unmetered Internet Access In The UK!
    3. Quake 3 Arena - First Look
    4. Legends Of Might And Magic?
    5. Unreal Tourney editing
    6. FIFA 2000 demo
    7. "I like sex. A lot." - Grossman
    1. UK Release Dates
    2. Glide goes Open Source
    3. Please Release Me
    4. The Views
    1. Diaspora patch
    2. Linux Quake 3 servers
    3. Warcraft 3 Trailer!
    4. The Views
    5. Longest Journey demo
    1. Unreal Tournament review
    2. Demo Frenzy
    3. US vs Europe QuakeWorld
    1. i2e2 Unreal Tourney
    2. UK Team interview
    3. UK Quake 2 Team
    4. Quake 3 CD check
    5. Quake 3 demo
    6. Cheap Hardware
    7. Spellbinder demo
    1. OpFor review
    2. Blood Wine time again
    3. Blitz - Disc Arena announced
    1. Tribes Extreme or not..
    2. Tzar preview
    3. Tzar
    4. Quake 3 UK release date!
    5. Paris stats
    6. Longest Journey demo
    7. Resident Evil movie