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Assassin's Creed Unity - Graduation, Confession, Notre Dame, keys, Sivert, Duchesneau

We'll show you how to handle every single encounter in the third sequence of Assassin's Creed Unity, and complete all the Challenges as well.

You can run straight into the first objective of this memory and start slashing the enemies to pieces, but if you play it right you can tick off one of this chapter's Challenges nice and easily. The task is to complete a trio of cover kills, and these can be performed at any time when you have the cover mechanic active and a target locked. Perform a kill in this manner and you'll trigger a cover kill - simple.

Kill the guards, sabotage the bell and escape the conciergerie

When this section of the game begins, you and Bellec will be looking out over a courtyard. From this position, imagine the courtyard as having bottom, top, left and right sections - and your current position is the bottom part.

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Use your parkour abilities to get over to the right-hand wall, moving around in an anti-clockwise direction. Don't go as far as the top section, and instead drop down into cover to the rear of the guards' patrol. From here, simply pick off the guards one by one using cover mechanics, then approach the bell in the middle of the courtyard and interact with it. This will start a new cut-scene.

The first part of your next objective is nice and easy. Simply head up towards the corpse and loot it.

The second part gives you the opportunity to tick off your second Challenge. You can use the free run option for the most part here, although there are moments where you might need to drop down to the ground or make a nervy jump. Just keep up with him as best you can.

The Cafe Theatre, Assassin Headquarters and Council Chamber

Just keep following Bellec along the streets and rooftops of Paris to tick off the next objective, then carry on trailing him for another 10 seconds or so until you reach the headquarters.

All you have to do to finish the final objective in this memory is follow Bellec once again. As soon as you arrive at your destination you'll automatically trigger a new cut-scene.

Graduation Challenges

  • Three cover kills
  • Keep up with Bellec

To help you get your bearings as we explore the Notre Dame, here's a quick explanation of how we're approaching the layout. Picture your starting position as the bottom left-hand corner, with the other corners of the building being top left, right and bottom right. Any time we use words like left, right, top or bottom, we're using this starting position as a frame of reference.

Complete the infiltration opportunity and steal the keys

The best way to survive this section of the game is to be as stealthy as you can. First things first, switch on your Eagle Vision so that you can spot the guys that have pinched the keys to the Notre Dame. When you've done so, you'll trigger the start of a new objective.

The guys with the keys will make their way along the left-hand wall of the Notre Dame, and head towards the top left-hand corner. Just follow them along the rooftops and wait for them to enter a building. When they do so, sneak in via the second floor window, then creep downstairs quietly and grab the keys by pickpocketing one of the men.

Complete the assassination opportunity and assassinate Sivert

As well as killing Sivert himself, you can also kill his partner Duchesneau. This fellow patrols along the right-hand side of Notre Dame before taking a route around the building. Trail him quietly, and wait until he's finished with the priest before killing him. It's not essential to take out this target, but you'll come across him on your way to the Notre Dame entrance, so you might as well finish the job in style.

If you've followed our walkthrough closely up to this point, you should have the keys you need and be close to where you actually sneak into the Notre Dame. Just keep moving along the right-hand edge of the building until you reach the top right-hand corner. As you reach this far end of the building, you'll be able to see another building over on you right with a sewer entrance close by. Go down this ladder, then take a left when you come to an opening. Head up the stairs and push the button that's on the wall.

When you enter the Notre Dame itself you'll be able to finish the two Challenges associated with this particular memory - achieve two kills from hiding spots, and avoid triggering any alarms. First though, make sure you sneak your way past the two guards up ahead of you. You can nab one of your hiding place kills from here, but it's not necessary.

There are two guards patrolling the area ahead, and the best way to pick them off is to let them get a quick look at you, then draw them into position for a cover kill. When they're dead, get in the haycart and switch on your Eagle Vision to find Sivert. When the patrol comes by, kill him from the safety of your hiding spot.

When Sivert goes into the confessional, use stealth to sneak up behind him. A cut-scene will begin, after which you just need to follow the instructions you're given. By now you should have completed all of the cover kills needed to tick off one of this memory's Challenges.

Escape the area

Once you've assassinated Silvert, leave the confessional and head towards your right. Use the lift to get up on the balcony. Use the keys you picked up earlier to open the window, then climb through it to escape. Take a look at your mini-map, and make sure you leave the greyed-out area to finish up this memory and move on to the game's next sequence.

Confession Challenges

  • Two kills from hiding spots
  • Don't trigger any alarms

Stuck on something else? The rest of our Assassin's Creed Unity strategy guide can be found from the first page of this article.