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Command & Conquer 4's Joe Kucan

Kane and lunch.

EurogamerWhy has Command & Conquer decided to stick with that for the storytelling?
Joseph D. Kucan

Because I think it's iconic to the Command & Conquer franchise. I think it really is such an endemic part of the game that without it, you're missing a key part of the experience. I think that no matter what anyone's doing with highly-rendered graphics, whether they're photo quality or not, I think there is no replacement yet for the look in a real actor's eyes as he stares into the camera and speaks to you, the emotional qualities of that. I just think it's endemic to the product.

EurogamerRecent Command & Conquer games have been quite high-camp in their style...
Joseph D. Kucan


EurogamerAre you going to carry on with that? [The style, not the outburst.]
Joseph D. Kucan

We've changed the approach in that the camera actually has a lot more motion and will carry through the perspective of the player. So, it's little more gritty, it's a lot less talking directly into the camera, and a lot more scenes with other actors as opposed to just sitting there alone, stridently giving commands into the camera.

We actually shot, not on videotape, we shot on film, with 70mm camera in Imax. So this is actually the first videogame that will be released in Imax. You need a 70-foot monitor to play the game just because of the aspect ratio of Imax film. That might actually be a lie, now that I think about it.

EurogamerWe've had legends like Tim Curry and Malcolm McDowell working on the Red Alert series, and you've appeared with Michael Ironside, James Earl Jones in Command & Conquer games...
The Borg obviously didn't have his size. Try some hat tape?
Joseph D. Kucan

I don't know them. They don't sound familiar.

Yeah, we've been very lucky in that actors are starting to realise that this a new way of telling stories, a way to develop a whole new audience and I think they bring a certain... credence to the work.

I think you'll be surprised with Command & Conquer 4 though, there has been less emphasis on star actors and a bigger interest in committed actors that are really interested in coming in and doing high-quality acting work. Not to suggest that any of the actors in the past have not been... but the level of acting in this game has been really top-notch.

EurogamerAre you still directing as well as acting in the games?
Joseph D. Kucan

No, I haven't directed a Command & Conquer game since the last Red Alert 2 expansion, Yuri's Revenge. C&C3, another director, Kane's Wrath, another director, and this last gig, different director.

EurogamerWhat's different - if anything - about directing actors for a videogame rather than say TV, or the stage?
Joseph D. Kucan

Well, in working with a videogame as a director, I always wore pants. As a director in a theatre, I don't know if you know any theatre majors, but it was very easy to come into rehearsal and not have to wear pants. Often no clothes at all, often just a nice pair of sneakers because I was on my feet all day.