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Features (Page 387)

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Reader Reviews

Your reviews of Interstate 76, Far Cry, Super Mario Sunshine, Soldner, Shining Force, TOCA Race Driver 2 and Space Invaders Anniversary. More to come later this week.
Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

What's New?

Apart from a new breezy sense of confidence in the England camp, there's Mashed, a new .hack game, Mario Golf, Sonic Advance 3, Breakdown, and other odds and sods to keep you out of the sun...
Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

Movie licenses: solid gold or fools gold?

With Dirty Harry the next game to get the movie to game treatment, we ask: what's the point of basing videogames on movie licenses, and the pros and cons surrounding their increasing use...
Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

What's New?

(The latest PAL and key US releases.) This week: swash-buckling rootin-tootin' stealth action four-ways. Unscramble to win nothing.
Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

To The Maaaaax!

Datel technical director Alex Edge makes the case for Action Replay MAX, which not only encompasses all the usual cheating tomfoolery, but also allows you to play DivX movies, MP3s and even Mega Drive ROMs on your PS2...
Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

Chronicling Riddick: Extra Extra!

Concept art. Meh. Concept demos... Now that sounds infinitely more exciting. Just prior to leaving Starbreeze, we had a quick chat about Riddick's bonus content.
Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

Chronicling Riddick: Journey To Butcher Bay

Continuing our discussion with members of the Riddick development team, we turn to the game itself - why they chose the first-person view and varied gameplay styles, the difficulty in crafting the technology, and their thoughts on the critical response.
Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

Chronicling Riddick: Star Treatment

Film licences. Phew - let's not even get into that! Actually, how about we do? We're talking to members of the Chronicles of Riddick team at Starbreeze, who have just created one of the most critically acclaimed film licences since GoldenEye. But how?
Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

What's New?

(This week's new PAL and key US releases.) F-Zero on the GBA is about the height of it, but the US gets Riddick and Full Spectrum Warrior. Import-ant games.
Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

The Saga of Ryzom

With the game's development saga drawing to a close, we talk to Nevrax CEO and creative director David Cohen Corval about why you should care about The Saga of Ryzom, specifics of how you'll play it, and how much you're likely to pay for the privilege.
Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

What's New?

(Friday's comprehensive PAL and key NTSC release list.) Disgaea! GT4 Prologue! Hyper Street Fighter II! Syberia 2! Thief: Deadly Shadows! Spare exclamation marks available on request!
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The Happy Mondays

We chat to Black Monday game director Naresh Hirani and writer/narrative producer Katie Ellwood about the changing face of London, BT vans, motorbikes, and how the game will evolve following its E3 showing.
Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

What's New?

(All this Friday's new releases.) Singstar versus Rallisport Challenge 2, Way of the Samurai and Riding Spirits sequels, and a whole lot of strategy. As they say in LA: are you PUMPED?
Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

What's New?

Just because the whole industry has sodded off to E3 doesn't mean there aren't stacks of great games out this Friday. Because there are. There's even one that'll be fun to play outside in this glorious sunshine...
Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

What's New?

It's a quiet week in Europe, what with E3 creeping over the horizon, but there's still Transformers and Euro 2004 (FIFA in dis-guise!) to get excited about. And plenty more over the water in Statesville.
Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

Melbourne House: Transform!

With Atari's Transformers due out May 7th, we caught up with the game's director/executive producer Andrew Carter from Melbourne House, and found out what it took to make one of the prettiest PS2 games we've seen...