Killzone 3 video walkthrough
Stuck? Check out our chapter by chapter gameplay capture.
The ice levels! We remember when Sony first showed us the ice levels. "This doesn't look like Killzone 2," we said. "Presumably your location researchers found their way out of Milton Keynes after all then." Perhaps they used jetpacks – as Sev and Rico end up doing as they blow up boats or whatever.
"For anyone who found the relentless march of Killzone 2 to be one-note drudgery, this sudden burst of attention-deficit gameplay ideas may well prove enticing. Certainly, there's not much to complain about where the mechanics are concerned. Guerrilla is squeezing the PS3 for all its worth and, a couple of frame rate wobbles and NPC quirks aside, everything looks as gorgeous as a war-ravaged toxic planet can realistically be," was what we had to say about the visuals.
"The two-man hero team of Sevchenko and Rico help to hold the sprawling tale together, aided by some impressive mo-cap and better-than-average voice performances. However, they're rather overshadowed by the double whammy of theatrical ham supplied by Ray Winstone and Malcolm McDowell as power-hungry Helghan officers vying to take over from the deceased Visari." Winstone! McDowell!
Chapter 5: Icy Incursion
Frozen Shores
Akmir Rig
Nilfrost Rig
Providence Bay
Providence Station
Check out the index for our complete Killzone 3 video walkthrough.