Chapter 6: Stahl Arms Infiltration
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At this point, Sev's beard has gone completely off the grid. Presumably the ISA's home planet (I think it's called Vekta or Vectra or Pontiac Firebird or something) is in peril, because instead of just going home everyone seems to want to take the fight to the Helghast again. Or maybe Sev wants one of their snorkels.
But what of Winstone and McDowell? "Winstone's Stalin-esque Orlock, Admiral of the Helghan space fleet, barks, glowers and snarls like an East End cabbie with a wasp in his underpants. By contrast, McDowell channels Nazi plotters like Goering for his role as Stahl, the head of Helghan weapons development with a sideline in smug psychological wargames and oily betrayal. Both actors know precisely how far over the top they need to go, and the cut-scenes where they clash (most of them) are a real treat."
Malcolm McDowell is pretty hot, really, and has had what one might describe as a "varied career" according to his IMDB page. He loves the old video games too, by the look of it – he's been in God of War III, Fallout 3 and Wing Commander III, and he also played the pivotal role of the Chewnicorn in Rare's Viva Pinata.
Chapter 6: Stahl Arms Infiltration
Stahl Arms East Block
Ward 5
Assembly Line #17
Sharp Pursuit
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