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  1. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Be part of the Revolution

    Demis: more (Tom came up with that one, don't blame me)

    Would you like to be vaguely famous, in a not-very-famous sort of way? Well Eidos and Elixir Studios are offering you the chance to take up permanent residency in Novistrana, the setting for forthcoming strategy-simulation title Republic: The Revolution.

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  2. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Driver 3 slips to 2004

    Reflections asks for more time

    Driver 3 has slipped until spring 2004 according to InfogramesNotAtari. Developer Reflections has apparently asked the publisher for more time. "Driver 3 is a complex game that comes with amazingly high expectations," according to the developer's managing/development director Martin Edmondson, adding that it was important for both firms "to dedicate the time and resources necessary to ensure that Driver 3 meets our own goals for exciting gameplay and next-gen performance laid out by our ambitious design document."

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  3. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Sega offers proper release dates

    Months and days this time

    Sega has indicated whenabouts in May and June its first three self-published games will be released. According to a lovely glossy PDF file we received just after lunch, Phantasy Star Online: Episode I & II for Xbox is due out on May 16th, Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution for PS2 is due out on June 20th and Sonic Adventure DX Director's Cut for GameCube is due out on June 27th. Which is nice.

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  4. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    CM4 is UK's fastest-selling PC game ever

    We didn't have to wait until next week to find out after all, then

    Sports Interactive's Championship Manager 4 has officially had the biggest opening weekend of any PC game in the UK, and is the third fastest selling game of all time on any platform.

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  5. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    April Fools

    Picking through the crap

    One of the great things about the Internet is that everyone's a goddamn comedian, and this April Fools day was no exception. We've been working hard to pick through all the jokes, spoofs and rubbish to bring you actual news, although we've probably fallen for something. Anyway, since it's a slow news day we thought we'd clue you in on some of the more obvious April Fools jokes, because sometimes, particularly in this industry, truth is stranger than fiction.

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  6. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Cold War on the horizon

    Bop some commies

    Mindware Studios has announced its development of a promising-looking stealth-based action title named Cold War, and furnished us with some shots of the game in action. The main protagonist is an independent journalist and former-CIA agent called, ahem, Razor Kane. Seriously. "Razor Kane is a journalist with an edge, or three," says the press release. Ahaha! Kane is apparently a kind of journalistic version of Indiana Jones, who was disowned by the CIA and now writes articles about his exploits as a sideline to being a thrill-seeking adrenaline junky.

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  7. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Blizzard cracks down on cheaters

    143,000 accounts 0wned

    Blizzard has kicked off its War on Cheating by blanket bombing more than 12,000 WarCraft III accounts and 131,000 Diablo II accounts because their owners are accused of using cheats and hacks, GameSpot are reporting. Furthermore, over 7,000 CD keys have been banned from ladder play for one month, and about 1,000 CD keys have been banned from play for good. The company is warning that repeat offenders are likely to have their accounts blacklisted on in its entirety, which will completely cripple their ability to play the games online.

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  8. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    ChampMan 4 storms to No.1

    Fastest-selling PC game ever? We'll know next week...

    There was no surprise at the top of the UK sales charts this week, as Sports Interactive's Championship Manager 4 went straight in at number one during the busiest week for the games industry this year.

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  9. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Rygar video released

    Tecmo tries to make amends

    French publisher Wanadoo has released a 47-second MPEG of Rygar: The Legendary Adventure, the latest PS2 adventure to come out of Tecmo, and thanks to the wonders of the Interweb, you can watch the video embedded in your browser window or just download the brummin' thing direct. It's about 3.5MB.

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  10. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    On Yer Bike!

    Devastating competition time

    Digitalo's Unreal-engine FPS Devastation, a tale of rebel street-fighting, gang-running and mercenaric rampage, is rapidly closing in on its April 17th release date, and to celebrate the fact, publisher NovaLogic is giving away a state-of-the-art BMX bike in association with our good selves and Launch Magazine - a free gaming magazine available at various independent retailers up and down the land. All you have to do is answer one question from the magazine and this one from us:

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  11. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Cube/GBA Cells brought forward

    Anything US can do I can do better

    After bringing forward the Cube release of Splinter Cell in the US to coincide with the PS2 release, Ubi Soft has decided to drag it forward over here as well, which is nice to see. As of today, Ubi plans to release Splinter Cell on GameCube and GBA - thus completing its assimilation of every willing gamer there is - on May 9th. Interestingly, a release date it originally slipped to in January. OK that wasn't interesting. However, news of Cube and GBA Cell mating rituals clearly is.

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  12. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Jedi Knight 3 details revealed

    Let's keep this simple...

    Picking through a sizeable plate of tasty Jedi Knight 3 news on IGN, we managed to pick out some of the juicy morsels to save you from having to wade through an unfortunate amount of hot air. To summarise:

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  13. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    WarCraft beasts revealed

    Rob is a WarCraft beast

    Jonathan Woss time, folks. The wild, wacky, World of WarCraft website has been updated with information on the various creatures which inhabit the lands of Azeroth, complete with biographies, Flash animations and whopping great sound effects, reserved for those foolish enough to visit with the volume turned up.

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  14. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    SpyHunter gets a sequel

    More exciting transforming car jiggery-pokery this Autumn

    GameSpot are reporting that Midway currently has SpyHunter 2 in development. Due for release this Autumn, the game is said to improve on its predecessor in a number of ways, one of those being the inclusion of a "mysterious new female agent character," and another being the addition of not being mediocre. Maybe.

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  15. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    IGN reports that Raven Shield, the recently released third game in the Rainbow Six series (which we are reviewing, don't worry), will be expanded upon in short order, potentially as soon as July. Although IGN is a bit coy about where it got the information, they imply that someone at Ubi Soft accidentally told them. Hurrah!

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  16. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    DreamCatcher snares Arx Fatalis for Xbox

    RPG your face off this Winter

    DreamCatcher Games has secured a deal with Arx Fatalis developers Arkane Studios to publish the RPG worldwide on Xbox.

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  17. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Bethesda to terrorise the seven seas

    Arr, me scurvy's givin' me gip or something

    Following the news some time ago that TDK and Disney had formed a global publishing agreement for games based on some of Disney's forthcoming films - in turn based on some of the company's theme park rides - TotalVideoGames are reporting on the first of these, with details of Pirates of the Caribbean.

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  18. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Websense wants to ban online gaming

    Killjoy or corporate bandwidth guardian?

    Uncontrolled online gaming is putting organisations at risk from legal problems from illicit software and robbing corporates of valuable bandwidth. That's the view of employee management software outfit Websense whose latest software, naturally enough, helps companies manage the issue (read: ban online gaming).

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  19. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    CDV and e-sports (eurgh) company Turtle Entertainment have teamed up to organise a Blitzkrieg online championship to support the international release of the World War II real-time strategy title. The competition will begin at the end of April in the Electronic Sports League, Europe's largest online league.

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  20. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Tecmo gets all hot and bothered

    Whinges about DOAX nude hack

    C&VG reports that Tecmo is very upset about the DOAX "nude hacks" which have appeared recently. The hacks are distributed as modified disk images, as far as we can make out, and substitute swimsuits for pubic hair and nipples in the frame buffer grabs we've seen.

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  21. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Go POSTAL in April

    Brace yourselves

    It has been confirmed today that Whiptail Interactive will be responsible for assaulting our senses with POSTAL 2 this spring. Set to hit the shelves on April 14th, this is what Chris Warrender, Whiptail Interactive publishing director, had to say about it: "I may look like the fat controller meets giant haystacks meets Tony Soprano but I feel like Marie Antoinette." Right.

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  22. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Midway unveils ESPionage

    Spoon-bending stealth action

    Midway has shed some light on ESPionage, the third person stealth actioner we learnt they were working on a couple of weeks ago. ESPionage is about an American psi-operative (that's a bog standard secret agent with psychic powers) called Nick Geller. Well, bend me over and call me a spoon!

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  23. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Commandos 3 "will be more accessible"

    Major alterations pander to the masses

    Eidos has taken the time out of its undoubtedly busy schedule to entertain us with more of an insight into the forthcoming World War II strategy title Commandos 3: Destination Berlin. Way back in 2001, Tom absolutely adored the last in the Commandos series and we've got high hopes that the third in the series is going to continue the tradition of Being Good.

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  24. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Dead Man's Human Head

    Xbox-exclusive FPS from Rune developer

    InfogramesNotAtari has announced a new Xbox-exclusive, Unreal-engine FPS called Dead Man's Hand. Set in the "Old West", the game is to be developed by Human Head Studios, whose plaudits include Rune on the PC, a game we really liked around here.

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  25. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Nintendo has spread some more light on the Zelda/Platinum GameCube bundle, which we found out about last week.

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  26. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Review | Anno 1503: The New World

    Review - Andy takes a long hard look at Sunflowers' global domination 'em up

    Global domination. Now there's something to aim for. Total and utter global domination. Swirls around the mouth nicely, doesn't it? Imagine the power, and feel your ego stir. You are a world leader, and nothing can stand in your way! A crazy dream? Maybe, but it fuels the strategy market.

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  27. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Tonight, Matthew, I'm going to be...

    Imperium Galactica sheds its namesake

    CDV has decided to change the name of sci-fi real-time strategy title Imperium Galactica 3 to the equally beardy-sounding Galaxy Andromeda. "While Galaxy Andromeda was originally conceived as the third game in the Imperium Galactica series, it has developed now to the point where we are confident of releasing it as a fully-fledged game in its own right," said Terry Malham, CDV president. "We have high hopes for this game and expect that, with its new title, it will go on to establish a whole new franchise of its own." Well, at least they didn't change it to Optimus Prime or something.

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  28. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Sold Out and EA, sitting in a (money) tree

    Black and White for a fiver anyone?

    In a massive coup for Sold Out, the Super-Budget games publisher has secured a deal with Electronic Arts to release a series of games at a £4.99 price tag. The first games are due to be released this Easter, where we should see titles like Tiger Woods 2001, Black and White and NBA hitting the shelves at the incredibly low price, just in time for you to pick up the 'kids' some cheap Easter presents.

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  29. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Xbox, PS2 MORPH into karaoke machines

    Tom sings in the bathroom, I heard him

    It's a bit of a slow day for gaming news really, so we thought we'd take the opportunity to point out something that could prove really quite enticing to the rhythm-music-action-arm-flinging-voice-wailing gamer in you, and we know there must be one in there somewhere. Anyway, that something is the arrival of MORPH-1, a device that can apparently turn any DVD player into a karaoke machine.

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  30. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Our Sonic Advance 2 competition, which has over the past week offered you the chance to win a GameBoy Advance SP and a copy of the game, has finally ended. And as you might expect, we got quite a lot of entries.

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