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  1. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    The newly opened has put up a few movies from Blizzard's Role-Playing strategy game, Warcraft III, which were taken from a press conference in Korea. I haven't downloaded them yet but I recommend that any of you Warcraft fans grab them, while you download these movies be sure to take a look at all the Warcraft III screenshots available, they're just breathtaking!

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  2. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Raven Software and Activision have finally released their anticipated Soldier of Fortune demo, which weigh in at a hefty 95 megs. It's available at GameSpot as an exclusive feature but we'll see some other mirrors soon, hopefully. The demo features 4 single player maps, 2 deathmatch maps, 12 different deathmatch models / skins representing 3 teams, In game server browsing and a bunch of other interesting stuff.

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  3. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    GT Interactive has finally released the patch (version 333) for Legend Entertainment's First-person shooter, Wheel of Time. You can find the list of changes and the download location here.

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  4. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    I noticed over at Blues that Red Storm have officially announced their upcoming add-on pack for Rainbow Six: Rouge Spear, titled Urban Operations. You can read the full press release on Blues.

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  5. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Hardware Central has posted a review of the Iwill WS133 Motherboard.

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  6. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    With XSi over and me finally back in Britain again, our coverage of the big international Quake 3 tourney is drawing to a close...

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  7. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Our match report on the three games between DOOMer and Shub in the quarter final losers' bracket yesterday is now up here. Full reports on the semi-finals and finals will be up tonight or tomorrow, so keep your browser pointed this way for all the latest!

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  8. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Favourite Fatality completed his unbeaten run in the XSi tourney, taking down Makaveli in two closely fought matches on Q3Tourney2. Fatality takes first place in the tourney, Makaveli second, Timber third, and Wombat fourth. Congratulations to all of them!

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  9. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    In an exciting finish, Makaveli has just beaten Timber in two games as an exhausted Timber's concentration lapsed. Maka now goes through to play fellow Yank Fatality in the grand final. Keep your browser pointed this way for the latest results and coverage, or check over at XSReality for the full scores!

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  10. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Tourney favourite Fatality continued his unbeaten record here at XSi with a two game victory over Britain's Timber, giving him a place in the final. Timber will now play Makaveli in the losers' bracket to see who will play Fatality in the final.

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  11. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    In an exciting and closely fought match here in Stockholm, Makaveli has just beaten Wombat 2 games to 0 in the loser's bracket. He will now have to play the loser of the winner's bracket, either Timber or Fatality, for a chance at the final. Full reports on the elimination matches will be available here on EuroGamer tonight or tomorrow, so keep 'em peeled!

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  12. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Our coverage of XSi continues today, with match reports on all the qualifier round games I saw (25 maps in all, spread between 13 of the 30 matches), the final qualifier results, a write-up of my hazy recollections of Friday night's vain attempt to get into a nightclub in Stockholm, and reports on two of the quarter final matches §from yesterday afternoon.

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  13. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Wow - what an epic day yesterday proved for those competing in the XSi tournament in Sweden. Match of the day was probably Lakerman vs Wombat in what was "one of the most exciting matches I've ever seen" according to Sujoy. Wombat won the first 14 to 12, and the second match was unbelievably tense: at 11 a piece, it went to sudden-death, and Wombat just managed to get the last frag. Cue a flood of 100+ messages of "Nooooo" from devoted spectators (and clearly Lakerman supporters).

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  14. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    The matches are over for today, with just four players left in the running... It's a double elimination tourney, so there are winning and losing brackets. The winners of the winners are Timber and Fatality (who is still undefeated), and the winners of the losers are Makaveli and Wombat from America, after some very close matches.

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  15. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Nothing on TV? Tune into Q3TV and watch all the action from Stockholm LIVE using Quake3. The game will be beamed straight into your Quake3 client, so you don't need to download anything extra to catch the action

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  16. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Eugenia Loli from BeNews informed me that Lionhead's highly anticipated strategy game, Black & White is planned to be ported over to BeOS. Lionhead's artist Jamie Durrant stated this in a post on the official messageboard, of course nothing has been confirmed yet but be sure to check out BeNews as they'll have an interview with the Lionhead team early next week. Maybe we'll see an official statement about this in the interview.

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  17. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Kenn Hwang sent id Software's lead programmer, John Carmack a question regarding the use of DLLs and QVMs for UI mods such as ArenaSpy. Here's the Q&A session:

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  18. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Raven's Rick Johnson, lead programmer on Soldier of Fortune has updated his .plan with some news about the upcoming Soldier of Fortune demo, which is according to this .plan being officially released on Monday. The demo will feature a bunch of stuff, here's a run-down (straight from Rick's plan):

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  19. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    A new version of the little nifty Quake 3 tool Servarena has been released, Servarena is a Win32 application capable of running on any PC that supports the Win32 build of Quake III Arena.

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  20. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Our first match report from the XSi tourney has now been posted here, giving a frag by frag account of Makaveli's three map clash with Sweden's own DOOMer.

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  21. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    The qualifying rounds of the XSi Quake 3 tourney here in Stockholm have just ended, and the results are already up at XSReality.

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  22. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Wondering what's going on with ION Storm's upcoming Unreal-engined FPS/RPG game, Deus Ex? Then check out Unreal Universe as they got the latest development update from Deus Ex designer Bob White.

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  23. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    have got a group of proxy servers using the Qizmo Q3TV proxy, allowing anybody with a copy of Quake 3 to watch the matches here at the XSi tournament as they happen. You won't even have to download anything to watch the action, apart from the latest version of Quake 3 if you don't already have it...

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  24. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Our live coverage of the big XSi Quake 3 tournament at Nine Studios in Stockholm is kicking off today!

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  25. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Feature | XSi Coverage

    Live from Stockholm

    Thanks to our hosts Nine Studios, event organisers XSReality, and of course Razer, the company behind the bizarrely shaped Razer Boomslang mouse, who were one of the main sponsors this weekend and have had a stall here.

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  26. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    This week's interview here on EuroGamer is "A Northern Bastard", in which we talk to Raven Brit and self-confessed "northern bastard" Marcus Whitlock about how he ended up in America, his work with Raven, and of course his current project Soldier of Fortune. The interview includes another exclusive new screenshot of Soldier of Fortune CTF in action.

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  27. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Interview | Marcus Whitlock of Raven

    Marcus Whitlock of Raven interviewed

    Marcus Whitlock is one of several Brits working with Raven Softare in Wisconsin, a self confessed "northern b***ard" who was born in Birmingham but lived most of his life in Hull, on the Yorkshire coast.

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  28. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Gamespy 3D has released a new nifty little tool for Quake III, called ArenaSpy, a new In-Game browser for Quake 3.

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  29. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    I received an interesting e-mail from Dan Miller of Monolith, it's an announcement about the LithTech 3D engine which is currently being ported over to Linux by Monolith and Hyperion Software. The Linux port is expected to be available in the second quarter of 2000.

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  30. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    The big XSi international Quake 3 tourney kicks off tomorrow, and (technology allowing) EuroGamer should be bringing you full coverage of the event.

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